The Wedding (Pt. 2)

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Donnie's POV

I nervously tightened my grip on my father's hand. I can't believe they did all this... for me... "Are you ready?" I looked at Sensei, nodding my head. Before we entered, he handed me a bouquet. "You're going to want this." He winked, which made me smile. We then entered the lavender shaded glass doors, to be greeted by everyone. Everyone came back to the wedding! I thought they wouldn't be able to make it, but here they are! I smiled and waved, trying my hardest to hold back the tears. Sensei and I then began walking down the aisle, the common wedding theme being play on the piano by Mona Lisa. Who knew she was so good at the piano! Looked around the room, until my eyes finally met Casey's. He had been watching me the whole time, so lovingly. I finally reached the Chancel. We both stared at one another, our hearts racing but not saying a word. Our eyes said it all. Leo then began the ceremony. "We are all gathered here today for the marriage of Donatello and Casey Jones. If there are any objections-" Leo coughed. "Which there shouldn't be." He coughed again, making Casey and I laugh a little. "Speak now, or forever hold your peace." The room was silent. "Good!" Leo smiled.

Eric's POV

Panic. That's all I could do. Was panic. I was being held captive by my grandfather. I don't know what he's gonna do to me, but I know it can't be good. "Stop crying!" He lashed at me. But the tears wouldn't stop. I wanted my parents. I wanted to be safe again. The truck came to a stop. I saw the house. "Mmmmm!" I attempted to scream through my taped cover mouth. "Come here, little buddy." I stiffened as he picked me up and lunged me over his shoulder. I frantically tried to escape, but it was no use. "We've got a change of plans for your parents." The tears came back.

Casey's POV

He was so beautiful. I wish that Leo could stop talking so we could get married already. "Casey." I looked at Leo as he spoke my name. "Do you take Donatello to be your wife?" I looked a Don. "I do." We both smiled, along with Leo. "And Donnie." Donnie directed his attention to Leo. "Do you take Casey to be your husband?" Donnie looked back at me, he was already crying. "More than anything..." I started to tear up as well. Leo along with Raph, Mikey, April, and Master Splinter also started to cry. "You may kiss the bride!" Leo said with enthusiasm. "HOLD IT!" The lavender doors swung open. To my horror, I saw my father holding my son hostage. "UNHAND MY SON!!" Don screamed. "I'll tell ya' what. I'll make you a bargain. You two call off the wedding and end your sicking relationship immediately, or I kill 'em." My eyes widened. "YOU ARE NOT KILLIN' MY SON!" He smiled. "Want to make a bet?" He pulled out his knife from before. "Stop this foolishness!" Mona approached him. "You are out numbered." Everyone was in attack mode, ready to beat the crap out of my father. He glared. "It's too late now!" He lifted up the knife, preparing to attack. But suddenly Master Splinter had taken him out in less than 5 seconds! It was so cool! "Eric!" Don dropped to his knees and extended his arms, Eric running into his embrace. Hugged both of them. "I'm so glad your okay!" I hugged my son tightly. Renet turned to us. "Don't worry Casey. Karai and I will take care of your father." She smiled and Karai already had him tied up. Everyone faced us, huge smiles on their faces. "What...?" Donnie asked, exchanging looks with Eric and I. "KISS ALREADY! NOW'S YOUR CHANCE!" Don blushed. I laughed, pulling him into a kiss. Everyone cheered. We were finally married.

Mikey's POV

The after party was great! April and Raph baked the wedding cake, and Sensei and I made the decorations! Donnie and Casey looked so cute together! Dancing and stuff, it's adorable. We spent sometime with Eric too, to make sure he was alright. After what happened with Casey's Father, he's probably tramatized.... "Hey Lil' bro, how's it going?" I looked at Raph, smiling. "It's going great!" We both talked for a while about what had happened. "I hope Casey and Donnie's marriage lasts..." Raph looked surprised I had said that. "What makes you say that, Mikey?" "Well... they've had really bad fights in the past... just because they're married doesn't mean that can't happen... you know?" Raph looked down. "Yeah... I know..." We both decided to change the subject. Enjoy the rest of the night that was filled with dancing and laughter.

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