April's strange habits

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(So yeah, the image doesn't really have a lot to do with this chapter but it's how you all are going to feel while reading so. Lol.)

Donatello's POV

Casey and I decided to relax on the couch for the evening. He'd fully recovered from his illness and was requesting for some time with me. Like I'd say no. My head rest on his shoulder as we watched, "Cragnard: The Barbarian". Then Mikey entered the room. He sat on the chair next to Casey and I, eyeing us like he was expecting something. "What?" I eventually asked since it was getting quite annoying. "Noooothing." He attempted to hold back a smile. He failed. "Seriously, what?" Casey responded with a hint of enthusiasm. "Well. You know how you two are a couple now?" I lowered my eyes to show a more sarcastic look. "Really? We had no idea." This made Casey laugh a little, which cause a smile to appear on my face. Mikey frowned and sighed. "I'm kidding. Continue." I smiled to reassure him of this, which it did. "Sooooooooo, have you two done it yet?" He smiled at him attempt to tease us. Casey smiled too. Why? "You really want to know? Well, first I-" Mikey gave a small yell in horror and covered him ears. Casey laughed hysterically. "What's wrong Mikey? You don't want to know anymore?" Mikey shook his head and left to get pizza. "Nice one." I laughed slightly. He laughed as well, placing a kiss on my cheek. We continued to watch this ridiculous television show. But the moment I moved away from Casey to get a slice of pizza from the box Raph dropped off a few hours ago, April we there. In my spot. At first, I didn't think much of it. I just sat on the other side of Casey to which he put his arm around me.
-Hey! Donatello here, sorry to interrupt this... story. I mean, I honestly don't understand why you guys would want me to be in a relationship with cave mouth... but whatever. Cherī wanted me to point out that Casey and Donnie decided to keep what happened with April to themselves so. Okay, I'll let you get back to this... book? See ya.-
We could tell April was bothered by this, but tried to pretend she wasn't. "Hey! My father has this collection of horror films! Do you want to watch them?" Casey and I exchanged looks, afterwards nodding in agreement. She then left for a brief moment to pick one out. She returned with one, but I couldn't make out the title. She inserted the movie into a old player that she had and returned to her seat next to Casey. Casey was obviously nervous about sitting next to her. I mean, after what... nevermind. The movie began with a few small jump scares and eerie music. Later on, a huge scare appeared on the screen to which Casey and I merely jumped. But April hugged Casey. Casey looked really uncomfortable at this point. I soon became uneasy as well because we thought she would let go. But she didn't. So Casey was forced to stay like that the rest of the movie. Poor Casey. "I'll get another one!" She removed the movie and left to exchange it. But then I called for back up. The thing about my brother's and Sensei is that we're swift. So by the time she returned Raph was in her spot. Leo and Sensei sat in the two remaining chairs. Mikey on the floor. "Alright! Movie!" He exclaimed. April looked confused and a bit mad. I knew she was about to tell Raph he was in her spot but decided not to. We didn't want to be mean or rude to April. But she had to understand that we didn't like that. So she kept a scowl on her face the whole movie. I felt bad, but not too bad. I mean, I got to cuddle with Casey. Which was all I really wanted right now.

Casey's POV

The next day, Raph and Leo thought it would be nice for the three if us to have a sparring session with Sensei's watch. Which I didn't disagree to. Mikey was going to do some baking and Donnie decided to as well. He was so adorable in there making cookies and stuff. Leo told me not to get too distracted, though. We I rolled my eyes playfully. We continued to spar for a while. I noticed how long we've been out here and decided to take a quick glance at Donnie. Wait. April was in there too? Huh. Didn't notice. Awww! Donnie got frosting on his cheek. I laughed a bit from this. Apparently Raph and Leo took to a break at as well and was watching with me. "Does Donnie have frosting on his cheek?" Raph laughed a little. I nodded. Leo looked shocked when I turned to him. I gave a confused look, then noticing what he saw. April gave Donnie not only a kiss on his cheek where the frosting was, but also on his nose... beak? Whatever he has! At this point, I was pissed. I ran into the house. Yelling at April and worrying Mikey. 

Leo's POV

We've never seen Casey so upset. It left both Raph and I speechless. Even Sensei was at a loss of words. It ended with April storming out of the farmhouse. "April." Sensei turned to her. She glared at him. "You know what you did was unacceptable right?" April didn't exactly want to admit she was in the fault, do she left towards the woods. Raph and I still didn't say a word...

Casey's POV

"I can't believe April did that to you!" Donnie still looked uncomfortable from it. I gave him a loving hug. "I'm sorry..." I hugged him tightly. "It wasn't your fault, okay?" Donnie nodded. Mikey stood there, speechless like his brothers. "How about you go upstairs and relax a bit? I'll be there in a few." He nodded once more. I gave him a kiss to cheer him up, which he melted into. We laughed under or breath as we exchanged these kisses. Mikey blushed and turned away, while Leo and Raph laughed at his reaction. Sensei merely smiled. Donnie then left upstairs, and I helped Mikey finish baking.

Donnie's POV

That night, I went to bed with Casey. Him holding me was so comforting. But I was fully asleep yet like him. I heard something open his door, to which I reacted at turned on the light. "Aaa!" They seemed startled. I squinted my eyes and noticed... it was April. "What are you doing in here? It 3:25 AM..." But I noticed that she looked angry. And that she was holding a knife in her hand...

(Sorry I haven't updated in a while! School is very time connecting. But I hope this makes up for it! <3)

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