Hard times

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Donnie's POV

"YOU KNOW WHAT? FINE! GO! LEAVE ME HERE!" I had never been so aggravated. So hurt. Casey and I got into a huge fight that evening. He was thinking about applying for a job that was located in New Hampshire, but that was so far away... I couldn't bare the distance. He was going for a corporation that revolved around engineering. Which, I have to admit, Casey was very good at. They reviewed his resume, and thought he would be perfect for the job. Heck, they were even gonna give him his own office. Who would've thought? But he would be gone for so long, having me take care of Eric alone. I know it wasn't his intention to leave, cause we needed money for ourselves when we moved back to New York City. But I couldn't bare the distance... "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SUPPORT MY DECISION, DON? I'M TRYING TO TAKE CARE OF US!" I hesitated in answering. "I can't...." I tried to hold back the tears. " 'YOU CAN'T' WHAT, DONNIE??" Too late, they were already running. "I can't bare it! You being so far away from me!" He eyes changed. Partly filled with understanding, and sorrow. I backed into the nearest wall, dropping to my knees and burying my face into my hand. I panicked to say the least. What if something happened to him? What if he leaves me? What if- "Donnie... baby, please don't cry..." He pulled me into his embrace. Tears refusing to stop. "I promise... it'll be alright..." His voice was gentle, loving. It's not that I didn't trust him. But my mind was running wild. Thinking the worst.

Casey's POV

We scared everyone that night. The heard our venomous lashing from downstairs. Raph pondered on whether he should stop the argument, or let things take it's course. Leo reassured everyone that things will work out, and that they need to let us figure it out. Three years. We've been married. New York City was finally repaired. We were setting out to go back within the next week. That's why I wanted this job for us. I already have enough money to afford our own apartment. Just for the three of us. Which is why I wanted this job so badly. I'm going to have my own office, for crying out loud! But Donnie didn't want me to leave him though. I mean, New York City has some distance from New Hampshire. But I could see great things comming from this job. Soon, I could become the new CEO. Who knows. "You trust me... don't you...?" Donnie looked at me, tears shining as the trailed down his face. He was silent, only nodding. He knew I was right, and he loved me more than he loved anyone. He just had to face the music at some point. I held him as we traveled down stairs. The others watched us, unsure if they should say anything. "Everything... is fine, you guys." I smiled, but not sincerely. The others returned my smile. "Where's Eric...?" Donnie asked, he sound weak. Exhausted. The others pointed to the living couch. His hands concealed his ears. He couldn't bare our fighting, so he would tune us out. "Eric..." I whispered. He gradually faced us. "Eric... honey, we're sorry...." Donnie hugged his son. Eric returned the hug, immediately bawling his eyes out. Don did the same. He gets that from his mother...

April and Splinter's POV

Splinter sipped his tea. "I am... concerned about Donnie and Casey." April nodded. "So am I... I mean, they fought a lot in the past, bit this time... it was different." Splinter directed his attention to the window. Admiring the trees. "Couples often fight, but out of their love for one another. Some times... they make the wrong decisions, for the right reasons as well..." That was something April could relate to. Her father had made really poor decisions when she was younger, but for the right reasons. "I fear that they will go to far..." Splinter finished his tea, sighing.

Raph's POV

"You guys ready?" I smiled at the entrance of the van. Ready to go home. Mikey happily entered the vehicle. "I know I am! Beautiful New York City!" Mikey smiled back. But his expression changed instantly the second he saw Casey and Donnie. I glanced at them, and then back at Mikey. "What the matter, little bro?" I sat next to him. "I just worry about them..." He looked down. I hugged him. "I do too..." The others seemed to be having a lovely conversation near the porch while Mikey and I chilled in the van. Nice. "Hey Raph...?" "Yeah?" I answered, without making eye contact. "Do you think I'll ever be in a relationship...? One like Casey and Donnie's?" I froze. How should I answer this? I mean, I'm no love expert but I have to tell him something. Something that wouldn't discourage him... "Of... of course I do." I faked my enthusiasm. "Really?" He turned to me, eyes full of hope. "Really..." I nodded. He hugged me, laughing. "Thanks Raph!" I sighed, letting him hug me. "I love you!" I smiled at me. My cheeks developed a light shade of pink. I'm not one to tell others I love them, especially not my brother's. But Mikey was too cute to deny that to. I looked out the van, making sure the others were still into their conversation. Then I looked back at Mikey. "I love you too..." I muttered. The last thing I need is the others tellin' me I'm soft.

Casey's POV

After the first three weeks of being back in New York, I was able to let Don and Eric move in. I was so excited! Having my wife and son at home was the greatest! Oh, how I loved them both. But Don was feeling rather depressed lately. Knowing I start work in 2 days. "I promise, I'll come home. Everytime..." I stroked his cheek with my hand. He nodded. I pulled the covers over us, about the turn off the lamp. "Wait..." I stopped as soon as I heard his voice. "Yeah...?" I yawned softly. "Are... are you positive you want a job all the way in New Hampshire....?" I gently kissed his head. "Yes... I get paid $230 an hour. We'll have a lot of money... everything will be fine..." He smiled. Donnie nodded. I knew if he could, he would get a job. But because he's a mutant turtle, it'd be a bit difficult... I turned off the the light. Cuddling him.
Everything will be fine... I know it.

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