A lovely date

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(I just put crystals cause I was too lazy to find something better. XD)

Casey's POV

I woke up, exhausted but happy. Last night the kisses continued but we both eventually got tired and crashed on the bed. He was cuddled into me. How cute! I decided to wake him up as well. With kisses. I kisses him all over his face until he awoke. "Casey..." He giggled. "Casey... stop it... I'm up..." But I ignored him. He got up and kissed me back. "Good morning." He hugged me from my waist. I wrapped my arms around me too. "Good morning, babe." He blushed, but smiled anyway. I had Leo stop by a fast food restaurant so that I could get everyone breakfast. Afterwards we finally made it. To the Adirondack Mountains.

Leonardo's POV

There it was. The Adirondack Mountains. We decided to settle near a lake that had some of the purest water I've ever seen! It was beautiful. Perfect for Casey and Donnie's date. "So, you guys cool here?" Casey turned to me with a smile. "Yup! Thanks again you guys!" I smiled along with Raph. "Well, uh... we're gonna do some... exploring...see you two later!" With that, Raph and I began our search.

Donatello's POV

It was perfect! Casey and went hiking for the first portion of our date. It was surprisingly fun, although I almost fell because Casey made me laugh too hard. Next, we went swimming together. He would splash water at me, me back at him. Seemed childish, but it was romantic none the less. And lastly, we had a romantic lunch together. It could've have gone better! "So, did you enjoy our date?" Casey escorted me back to the van. I nodded. "Yes! It was amazing!" I blushed a little. "I'm glad!" He smiled back. He was so amazing... I couldn't stop looking at him, even for one sec- wait. What's that...? Is that... Raph?? "Casey! Look!" We both witnessed an injured Raphael, running to him. "Raph, dude, what happened??" Raph coughed. "We... w-we found one of Shredder's secret... hide outs... Leo... was c-captured..." Our eyed widened. "We have to save him!" Raph pleaded. We both nodded, putting him on the mini bed of the van. "Raph, if you can, contact the others!" And with that, Casey and I set out to get Leo. Wow. Such a lovely date.

Leonardo's POV

Crap. I was captured! Luckily, Raph was able to escape. I hope he didn't tell  Donnie and Casey... I hope he called the others instead... but knowing him, he probably told Casey and Donnie. Tigerclaw is holding me hostage until the others arrive. He has something planned. Some very bad.

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