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Donnie's POV

I can't believe it. I just hit Casey with the van... and now he's in the barn, with medical equipment. What have I done...?

No one's POV

-Several hours ago-

"Well. We'll be off for a while. You two better not destroy the house while we're away." April gave a smile as she carries the remaining necessities to the Shell Razor. "Relax, we'll be fine. Just chilling, spending time together-"
"Makin' llloooovvvveee~." Mikey cut Casey off with a tease. Casey replied with a gesture to shut him up. It wasn't pleasant. Raph rolled his eyes but smiled at Mikey's little joke. "We'll be back from camping in week." And with that, Leo, Raph, Mikey and April left. Donnie and Casey waved as the Shell Razor drove into the distance.

5:34 PM

Donnie's POV

Where is it?? I was working on an experiment and I lost a very important tool. But I could've sworn I left it on my desk... I even checked the Farmhouse! "Hey babe?" "Yeah?" Casey replied from the living room. "Have you seen my tool?" Casey was silent for a while. "What does it look like?" I gave my response some thought. "It's kinda difficult to describe..." "I probably haven't. I don't mess with your tools very often, hon." He had a point. "Okay..." I entered the living room, still looking for it. "What's the emergency, Doc?" I  laughed a bit under my breath. "Oh, nothing. I was just... working on something and I kinda need this tool in order to-" He gave me a quick kiss, holding my hands. "Come on, relax a bit. You're tense..." Casey always gets concerned whenever I become very tense. He's so adorable. "Um... yeah. Okay." I smiled and say on the couch with him as we watched the news.

8:28 PM

Casey's POV

"Why are you yelling at me??" "I know you did this, Jones!! No one else is here but you!!!" He threw a glass cup at me. "Have you gone insane!!??" He threw another. "Have you!??" I decided to evacuate outside. "Why are you running?!?" Of course, he followed me. "Because you're acting like a psychopath!!" We were arguing because he thinks I've been purposely hiding and misplacing his tools so that he can't progress in his inventions. But I wouldn't do that! "How could you be so inconsiderate?? We've been together for-" He got a message on his phone. For whom? I had no clue. When he opened it, his face was calm. But as he scrolled through the text, he became very, VERY upset. "I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU, CASEY JONES!!!" I was baffled, to say the least. "What are you talking about???" "YOU WERE FLIRTING WITH APRIL WHILE YOU'RE WITH ME??" I was utterly confused by this point. "WHAT??" He start for the side of the house. "Where are you going??" That's when I heard the van engine start up. He started driving right for me! I started to run. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" He rolled down his window and began to yell back at me. "HOW COULD YOU??" My legs and lungs were starting to give out on me. "I NEVER FLIRTED WITH HER! I'M NOT CHEATING ON YOU!!" "I THOUGHT YOY LOVED ME!!" "I DO!! I LOVE YOU A Lot..." I couldn't run any longer. Next thing I knew, the car hit me and and I managed to land on the roof of the van.

Donnie's POV

"...You do...?" Before I knew it, I hit him. I slammed on the brakes and hard as I could. When the van came to a stop, I sat there for a few minutes. Tears were running down my cheeks but I had the same terrified expression. Once I came to my senses I quickly exited the van and climbed onto the roof. He wasn't bleeding, but I knew he was hurt. I took him to the barn and laid him on the desk with blankets, etc. I hooked some medical equipment to check his heart rate and such. I took an X-Ray too. I fractured his left arm. That made me have a mental break down... I started to cry, but that's when he hugged me...

Casey's POV

I hugged him once I knew he was crying. Even though my arm hurt like hell, I did it anyway. "Donnie. Listen to me. Please. I love you, more than anything. I would never do anything to hurt you... I hope you know that." My words made him cry more, hugging me tightly. "Baby." He pulled away and looked at me. "...Yes?" I gave a very serious look. "I need you to tell me who sent you that text." He quickly pulled out his T-Phone and showed me. "April did..." I glared at the screen. "Of course she did..." He look very worried by this point, but I smiled to reassure him. "Don't worry about this. I'll talk to her when they come back..." I sighed. Why does she want to sabotage our relationship so badly?

Donnie's POV

12:08 PM

I gave Casey a cast a few hours ago. I'm so relieved it wasn't broken. He kissed my cheek, then my neck a few times which caused me to blush. "I love you." I smiled brightly. "I love you too." I kissed his head and turned off the light. We both just wanted some rest...

(Heyo! Sorry I took so long to write with chapter. This one is fairly long so I hope it makes up for my absence. <3)

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