Casey's Father

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Casey's POV

"Damn it!!" I was infuriated at the fact that my Dad was coming to Don and I's wedding. He'll ruin everything! Donnie's special day will be ruined and it'll be my fault! Well, maybe not my fault, but he is my dad... "What does the letter say...?" I was hesitant to ask, being that I most likely don't want to know. "Uh... sure..." Raph replied, unfolding the letter. He cleared his throat. "Dear Case, I heard you're gettin' married? At 17? Well, I can't stop ya' now. You've always been a stubborn one. I can't wait to meet her though, I bet she's one lucky girl to be marrin' my son. Is it the April chick you're always blabbing about? She ain't so bad, I'm glad you two are getting together finally. Well, see you soon, at your wedding. ~Dad" There was a long silence after he finished reading the letter. I sighed. "What are we gonna do, man?" Raph seemed just as perturbed as I was. "I don't know, Raph... He's gonna be here December 18 which, may we be reminded again, is in a week!" Raph lowered in eyes, understanding that this was easy for me. "Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help... Maybe I should tell the others-" My eyes widen, my heart stopping. "NO! YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE! IF DON FINDS OUT IT'LL RUIN EVERYTHING!" I stared him dead in his eyes, letting him know how serious I was. He got the message. "Well, I don't have to tell Don-" "No! Cause then he'll be hurt if he found out we were all in on it and that we kept it from him!" Raph growled. "Well then, what are we gonna do?? We can't keep our mouths shut for long!" I scowled. I knew he was right but there had to be something we could do...

Donnie and Eric's POV

"Wow! Are these old photos of you and Father?" Donnie and Eric were looking at old photo albums in the living room. Donnie nodded. "Yup! Your father was so cute as a kid..." He admired Casey so much. "Who is that, Mother?" Eric held out a particular photo of a young, energetic boy with a bright cheerful man. "Hmm... I think... that's your grandfather! I think that's your Dad's Dad!" He smiled brightly. "Is he coming on the 18th?" Eric seemed interested in meeting him. "I don't know... I've never met Casey's Father..." Donnie's mind wandered. He began to question why he's never met Casey's Dad. Was there a reason? An explanation? "Mother?" Donnie directed his attention towards his son again. "Yes, sweetheart?" Eric smiled. "Can I go ask him?" Donnie nodded. "Let's go ask him together!" He grabbed Eric's hand and walked out the front door. Leaving the picture of Casey and His Dad on the couch.

Leo, Raph, April and Mikey's POV

"What??" The two brothers exclaimed in unison. "We need to do something! Casey's Dad is gonna ruin everything!" Leo nodded. "But what should we do?" Mikey frowned, thinking about Donnie being devastated. Casey betrayed. "We can't tell him to go back home, though. He probably thinks I'm marring Casey too." April frowned. "That's true..." They all became disappointed, being that April was right. "Well, maybe he'll be understanding." Leo broke the silence, in effort to lift everyone's spirits. "You guys haven't met Casey's Dad before... have you...?" Raph's voice became low and gentle, which is an odd thing for Raph. "No... we haven't... but you have... haven't you?" April asked, Raph replying with a simple nod. "His father is abusive and a alcoholic. He gets drunk every night. With Casey having to protect his lil' sister..." Everyone's eyes widen. "We had... no idea..." Mikey's eyes began to tear up at the thought of Casey's abuse. "You don't think he'll possibly consider..." Raph looked Leo in his eyes. It was funny. How something as simple as a look... could say so much. "We can't let Casey's Father ruin the wedding..."

Donnie's POV

"Honey?" I called for Casey, soon noticing him underneath the truck he had been fixing for a while now. "Yeah?" Casey smiled at me. "Well, we found an old picture of you with your father in the photo albums." I looked at Eric. He looked broken. Looked back at with confusion. "We wanted to know if he... was coming...." I soon had that same look. Casey look... petrified. His skin seemed pail and his pupils became small."Uh.... um..." I dropped to me knees, hugging him. "Baby, what's wrong? Why do you look like you're about to be killed...?" He sighed. "For the same reasons why if never wanted you to meet him..." I was shocked. Casey purposely kept me from his father...? But why...? "Why...? Why did you keep him a secret...? Me a secret....?" He was very hesitant by this point. I knew he didn't want to tell me... He then shook his head. Avoiding my eyes. "Casey... answer me...!" Eric seemed uncomfortable. He seemed afraid. "Because he'll... he'll tear us apart Don...!" It was quite. The sound of water crashing on wood broke the silence. Not from sweat... but from tears. Casey was crying... "I don't want that to happen! I won't let it happen!" The tears seemed endless for me. I hugged him. "You should've told me... we could've gone through this together, you know...." Eric was silently crying, but we noticed anyway. We all shared a family hug, letting our tears run.

Splinter's POV

I am fearful for my son's wedding. I am aware of what is happening... I know it can't be helped... but at least we have one another... we can get through this... I know we can...

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