Aarmau Mini-rant [3]

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Hey guys... am I really doing this for the THIRD time? Yep. Another Aarmau rant. I feel like an anti-social girl who just rants all day... but of course, that's true xD *Sigh* I don't even know how many times I'm gonna rant about this, but this one will be a shorter one, I hope...

Jess is biasing Aarmau

Okay, okay, before any of you shippers get mad, yes it is OKAY to ship something and really love it, but Jess said that she supported 'all ships' for the past two years, and she still must at least like them all a little now. But she goes ahead and just always makes it Aaron. I mean, is it awkward to have the voice actors act like their dating and stuff for the characters? If that's the reason why it's uncomfortable, I understand. But, in her latest Vlog, she explains that "there are always gonna be fandoms where there are things you don't like, even if you're ship isn't canon."  Do you know what she's actually saying? That you have to accept that Aarmau is happening. At this point, if it happens, I will be sad but I won't care. I mean, Jess, the only thing I want is just for you to give the other ships a chance, that's ALL I ever wanted... but what are the chances of that happening?

But yeah, that's the only thing I wanted to say. This is like a Mini-rant, and honestly, I don't care what sails anymore. Sure, i'll be depressed but I don't really care anymore.

So, I don't know what else to say xD Just remember, (this ish a quote)

We were born to be awesome,

Not perfect. <3 -Unknown

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