Falling For Fridays // Niall Horan

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I went on the videos tab on my phone and clicked on last Friday's video and put it my headphones. She had tweeted that she would upload her latest Friday video in a few minutes. I might as well watch this video again. I pressed play and watched the girl's face appear on the screen.

"Hey guys! Welcome to Fridays with Ai on 5AwkwardStrangers. This week's theme is 'All About Me.'" She smiled brightly. I loved her weekly videos, but she was the only one out of the 5 that didn't have a main channel. "Okay, so basically I just tell you about myself that I didn't in the introduction video. Which was a long, long time ago."

"Niall. It's almost time for rehearsals." Luke called me. I sighed and exited. I had to wait until after the rehearsal and show. That isn't for hours. I guess I had to watch her later. "Are you watching that girl again?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"Do you like, love her or something?" Luke joked. I laughed.

"I guess you could say I'm falling for Fridays."

Falling For Fridays // Niall Horan (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now