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"Ai?" One of the boys in front of us said loudly. I looked up and saw one of them staring at me. How the hell did he know my name? He was probably a fan... Wait, we had guy fans?

"Uh, hi?" I said. Before the dude got to say anything, one of his friends whispered in his ear and pulled him away. Oh well.

We went up to the manager if we could video ourselves singing in their restaurant. They said that it was fine, as long as we weren't disturbing everyone and that we weren't expecting to be paid. Well then. I turned on the camera. We had shot some footage outside, and we earned some money too. Some people are nice.

"Uh, excuse me, can I have your attention?" Kat said. "Don't mind us alright? We're just making a video. Thanks."

Most of the people weren't even listening. Wow. I faced the camera towards her.

"Hey 5AS family, it's Kat with your Wednesday video. Today I'm out doing some public busking. Let's start!" She said happily.

She began to strum her guitar to what I think was Pompeii. The four of us began to walk around the restaurant. I was in the back following them. All three of them were just strumming along and singing with her. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it. Erin went next, and she played Story Of My Life. Jen actually switched positions with me. She wanted me to actually play her ukulele and sing next. We sang along with Erin, and I sang Zayn's solo. We didn't know anyone here so we didn't give a damn about what they were going to think. Finally, towards the end, I began to play I'm Yours. I had to be honest, I've tried to learn tons of songs on the ukulele, but this one was the most successful.

Everyone clapped for us, and Kat ended the video whilst everyone was cheering in the back.

"So that's it. Hoped you loved it as much as we did." Kat said.

"Yeah! Don't forget to subscribe." I said pointing at the camera.

"And give it a thumbs up!" Jen and Erin said.

"See you next time!" Kat waved. We turned off the camera.

"That went well." I stretched.

"We should busk more." Kat said.

"Yeah, maybe-"

"Uh, aren't you guys from 5AS?" A boy approached us. It was the guy from earlier that said my name. So he was a fan. "I'm a huge fan. Especially for Fridays' videos. You guys did awesome singing."

"Yeah, we're 4/5 of 5 Awkward Strangers. Nice to meet you." Jen smiled.

"Is it okay if I take a photo with you?" He asked, looking directly at me.

"Just me?" I asked. He nodded. "Uh, alright?"

We gave his phone to Erin and I have mine to Jen to take the pictures. Kat also took one with her camera in case I accidentally deleted the one on my phone.

"Smile." The three said. He had his arm around me. Man, he was really tall!

"Here you go." I handed him his phone. He was smiling like crazy.

"Uhm, here's my snapback. It's random, I know. I just want you to remember me in case we see each other again and-"

"That's nice. How about we switch? I'll give you my beanie since you gave me your snapback. Deal?" I took off my beanie and handed it to him. I was definitely going to wear this in my next video.

"Really? Thank you!" He gave me a large hug. Big fan..

"Ni-Nick! Come on, we're going to be late." Someone dragged him away. The other boys just gave me weird looks. What the hell?

"Yeah, it's probably time we go too." Kat said picking up her guitar.

"That boy was weird." Erin said. "You gave him your beanie too! I thought you liked that beanie."

"I do, but why not let someone else enjoy it? Besides, I thought he was going to like, give me his twitter username or whatever like other fans. Right?"

"I mean I guess.." She shrugged. "But the guy really seemed to like you. No, not like, more like love. You know, like how I am for Keaton and Louis?"

"Silly Erin." Kat laughed. "He's a fan, all fangirls are like that."

"Yeah, sure." Jen said.

We came back to the flat and found Nia watching tv.

"How was it?" She asked.

"Fun. We got some money along the way." Kat said.

"I'll be upstairs. Send me the photo okay Kat? I need to go finish editing my video before people yell at me." I sighed. I ran up to my room and threw my jacket and shoes off. I placed my new hat on my desk. It was a really nice hat, where'd he get it?

I continued to edit until I thought it was okay. I made sure to put my background music, King For A Day by Pierce The Veil. I always ask for requests, and this one was definitely my favorite. I loved Pierce The Veil.

"Done." I stretched. I pressed upload. It was going to take around 127 minutes, that was 2 hours and 7 minutes. It was only 6 right now, so it should be up by 8 London time or 12 for them Americans. Perfect. I sent a tweet out.

N I A L L ' S P O V

"I can't believe you gave that girl your snapback, you don't even know her." Louis said. "But I've got to admit, one of her friends did catch my eye."

I wasn't even listening to Louis, I was amazed by the beanie. I actually met her, but she didn't know who I was. Why? Probably because I had my hood up and sunglasses. I must've looked like such a douchebag wearing sunglasses inside. Damn.

"I do know her." I said. "She's that girl I've been watching on Youtube."

"Well, that doesn't mean you can just give her your snapback like that. It's not like you're going to ever see her again." Liam said.

"Hey guys, calm down kay? Can't you see? Mr. Irish is in love." Harry smirked putting his arm around me. My face grew red. "See? It's obvious he fancies the girl."

"But Niall, it's a girl you've never met. What if she's a total twat?" Louis asked.

"But Louis, it's a girl you've never met. What if she isn't?" Harry mocked him.

"You're lucky you're cute." Louis glared at Harry. "I just don't want you to get hurt. Be careful."

Oh, it's this talk again. Louis is always worried when we're meeting people, especially if we're dating them. It's happened to him, and believe me, it wasn't fun.

"I won't I promise." Just as the words slipped out my mouth, it reminded me of a quote Ai would say in her videos. 'Don't make promises you can't keep.'

"Fine Niall. Let's get going. We have to get ready for the show." Louis said. Woah, when did he become Liam?

Falling For Fridays // Niall Horan (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now