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"So I guess that's it for now. Give the videos a thumbs up if you liked it, and don't forget to subscribe. Bye guys." I waved off before turning off the camera. I finally finished my video. This week's theme was music. So like, we had to do something involving music. For Monday, Nia taught the viewers how to play the ukulele (Jen helped of course), Tuesday, Jen played a song by Amanda Yang on her ukulele, on Wednesday, Kat played Little Things on her guitar, and yesterday Erin also played a song on her guitar. She played Chloe by Emblem 3. Today I didn't play an instrument and just sang to an instrumental. I sung I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston. It turned out alright. Before that, I talked a little bit about my favorite groups, artist, and et cetera.

I went to my mac book and started to edit my video a little. I don't really mess up so I usually get my videos up an hour after taping. I took a quick glance at our subscribers. We currently had 610, 237 subscribers, and we started our account just last year in January.

"Are you done?" Jen knocked on my door. "I heard you singing."

"Yeah, I'm done." Did I mention that the five of us lived together? Yeah. We're 19, and we live in London. We call our house the 5AS house because of our Youtube name, 5 Awkward Strangers. I'm not sure how we came up with the name, it just came along. "What's up?"

"Kat wants us to help her with her video. Public busking." Jen said. Our next theme was to do something in public. She would choose busking. "She and Erin are bringing their guitars. I'm bringing my ukulele. Nia has to work on her presentation. Are you coming?"

"Nah, I'm going to finish editing my video. It'll be quick though. How long are you going to be out?" I asked.

"Just an hour!" Kat shouted from down the hall. Enough said then.

"Alright. I guess this can wait. Give me a few minutes." I saved my editing and turned off my mac. Jen had already left my room. I pulled out a black hooded jacket and a grey beanie. I left my sweats on, it was freezing anyways. I slipped my feet into my green vans. Everyone knew how much I loved these shoes.

"Ready?" Erin called with her guitar around her.

"Let's go busking!" I cheered.

N I A L L ' S  P O V

It was finally the end of the rehearsals and I opened up safari on my phone. Ai still hadn't posted the video?! I searched her twitter name and went on her profile. I wonder why I still hadn't followed her? She follows me.. Maybe later? Anyways, I saw her last tweet from an hour ago. She said the video was going to be a little late. Damn it.

"Niall? Did you hear me?" Louis's voice trailed into my head. I snapped out of my thoughts. "We're going out to eat before the show, are you coming or not?"

"Oh, of course I'm coming." I said stating out the obvious. Just because I don't look like 2010 Niall, doesn't mean I don't eat like one.

The five of us piled into the van and I watched the boys discuss where to eat. I didn't want to listen into their conversation, I didn't care where we eat. I'd eat anything. My mind flowed with questions. Where was she? Why hasn't she posted the video? What was she doing? It's music week, was she singing? Was she playing an instrument? So many questions.

"Niall!" I heard Liam shout. I flinched.

"Yes? What?" I said quickly.

"I said we're here." Liam said worried. "You've been a little out of focus lately, is something wrong?"

"Oh, uh. Nothing's wrong." Other than the fact that I was in love with a girl on the internet that doesn't know I exsist.

Wow, maybe this is how our fans feel. I should do a follow spree later.

"Are you sure lad?" Harry asked. I nodded. The five of us got out of the car and we made sure to put our sunglasses and hoods up. Also our hats if we had them. We were at a Nandos. Ah, classic Nandos. Paul had made sure that the place was freed from any fangirls. Wow, are they really that bad? They're total sweethearts.

"Positive." I gave him a convincing slap on the back and a smile. He seemed to buy it.

The boys and I began to walk towards the restaurant.

"Oh you go first." A girl with an ukulele said. She had some friends with her. Two other girls carried acoustic guitars. The last girl seemed vaguely familiar and she carried a camera. Her green shoes were amazing.

"No, no you first." Liam said politely.

"You were obviously here first, you first. Come on, there's more of you." The girl with the beanie said. She seemed the stubborn type. "We're not even going to eat. We're recording a video."

"Oh, alright then." Liam said unsure and the boys and I went in. I could overhear the girls.

"Hey! Don't drop my camera Ai!" One of the girls scolded.

No it couldn't be. It's probably another girl.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be careful." The girl replied. That voice. I knew it.

"Ai?" I said loudly. The girl looked towards me.

"Uh, hi?"

"Come on Niall." I heard Liam whisper to me and grab my arm. He pulled me towards the back of the restaurant to our table. The other boys were waiting.

It was her.

Falling For Fridays // Niall Horan (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now