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[This sucks sorry]

Yes, this is officially the worse Valentine's day ever. I fucking got sick from who knows what, it sucks. It's been like this ever since last week, when the convention started. Fuck, the rain finally got to me.

"Are you okay being by yourself?" Erin asked. She was told to watch me since she was the youngest.

"Just go, it's Valentine's day. Besides, I know you want to see Louis." I coughed. "I don't do much anyways, I can get food myself."

"Well, I already called Niall. So.." She shifted uncomfortably.

"Why?!" I asked loudly.

"Shh!!" She hushed. "He's downstairs. You said it yourself, you're going to be fine. Just call him when you need something. I'll be back tonight."

"Fine." I laid back in bed.

When she left, Niall peeked through the door.

"Hello." He smiled at me.

"Hi." I said, my voice sounding weird.

"Sorry that you have to spend your Valentine's day like this." He  apologized. "I'm the one that got you sick."

"No, no it's fine. You were right - I had a weak immune system." I said. "I wasn't going to anything for Valentine's Day anyways."

"I uhm.." Niall stepped into the room with his arm behind his back. He revealed a bouquet of flowers. "I got you flowers to make you feel better."

Even though I was sick and my face already red, it grew into a deep blush. "I also got you something too." I said, embarrased.

"You didn't have to-"

"I did anyways." I shrugged. "It's in the closet."

He placed the flowers down on my desk and went to the closet. There inside was sitting a huge teddy bear. His expression was hilarious.

"This...?" He asked.

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't find a bigger one." I laughed.

"I like it!" He smiled as he picked it up. It was half his size. "It's so soft."

"I'm glad you like it." I coughed. He set the bear down on my chair next to my desk.

"So, do you want anything?" Niall asked as he sat beside me.

"Just sleep." I yawned. "You can use my PS3 and connect your phone to Youtube and watch some videos."

"Really? How?"

"You've never done it before? Give my controller, and go to Youtube on your phone." I pointed to my tv. He got up and got my controller and handed it to me. I turned on my tv and the system and went to Youtube and signed in. He handed me his phone and I taught him how to connect it. Simple process.

"Thanks." He said.

N I A L L ' S  P O V

When Aileen fell back asleep, it was the most peacefullest thing ever. She looked so happy sleeping that I have to admit, this was one of the things I wished to see.

I decided to watch their Youtube anniversary videos since I didn't have time to, and because why not? I started off with '5AS on Jescelyn' and made my way onto Aileen's. I mean, she was going to be in every one of theirs so why not?

"Hey this is Aileen, and you're watching 5 Awkward Strangers on me." She gave a thumbs up and it transitioned to the girls.

"Aileen's really weird." Erin commented. "And random. Like one minute, she can be totally silent, and another minute she'll be totally talking things like bananas."

"Aileen really likes bananas." Katelyn said.

"When we first met, I used to think she was that kind of person to always finish her work and sit alone and stay quiet." Virginia said. "Well, she kind of is, but she isn't quiet."

"She's a big butt." Erin laughed. "Like, totally huge arse. When we were in year 9, she always leave us when it came to hugs. She really dislikes them."

"She told us it was because she didn't want any of us to suffocate her." Katelyn shrugged.

"As much as we want to, we won't." Jescelyn added.

"She can be very loud." Virginia said.

I continued to watch. Wow, she's a shy girl? Couldn't have figured it out since in her videos she's very outspoken. Though, she's mentioned a few times in her videos that she was really shy when she was younger and didn't like to talk. I really couldn't believe it.

This is how I spent the next half hour. I just watched all of her videos, starting from 2012 to now. She's become more open.

"How long was I asleep?" Aileen sat up and began rubbing her eyes.

"Not long. I made you some soup." I told her getting up. "It's still warm."

"No." She stopped me. "I don't want it. Can you just stay here?"

I laid back down beside her and she put her arm around me and rested her head beside me. Her forehead was warm, she must've gotten really sick.

"You're warm." She told me. My cheeks became a tinge color. Let's pray to god that I don't get a... A uh, 'bloomer.'

"I know." I answered. Her voice sounded like she was half asleep. She probably was.

"Sorry, your Valentine's day was wasted on me." She apologized, then sneezed. "Excuse me."

"Bless you." I laughed. "It's fine, but I was going to take this girl ice skating though."

"Ah! I'm so sorry." She kept saying sorry over and over again.

"It's alright." I patted her head. "This is better."

The 'girl' I was going to take was Aileen, but she got sick. This was way better though, I got to spend the day with her.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Of course, it's better with you." I kissed her forehead. "Now go back to sleep, you're like less than half awake."

"Okay." She laid her head down on her pillow and wrapped her arm around me. She wasn't wearing her bracelets, that's a weird sight. She mumbled something into my chest.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I said thank you." She repeated. "Thank you for coming here to take care of me. I'll repay you one day."

"It's okay." I softly laughed. I rested my hands on my stomach. "Love you, sleep tight."

"I love you, too." She answered back, then closing her eyes.

My heart thumped, what was her definition of 'I love you?' Whatever it meant, this had got to be one of the best Valentine's day ever.

[Sorry it's a day late, but I hope you have an amazing Valentine's day! I got a flower, and it was hella embarrasin during class. I hope you got lots of chocolate.


Peace, love, rubber gloves,


Falling For Fridays // Niall Horan (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now