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[Hella long chapter guys]

It's been almost two weeks, and I, myself, haven't recovered from that drastic night. What was I thinking? - What was she thinking? I honestly thought she was in love with me, but I guess I was wrong.

So where do I go on from here? Do I continue to chase after her, or do I just move on? I sound like a teenage girl. I've never been in this kind of situation, and I don't know how to act around girls. Ugh, if only Luke or Ashton were here.

"Hey Niall, it's time for our interview." Liam knocked. That's right, we were getting interview for who the fuck knows. "Lisa has to talk to you before the interview though."

"Alright." Ugh, Lisa. She was one of the ladies that worked at Modest! I absolutely hated her. She tries acting nice to us, when we all know that she's doing it for the money.

"Niall." I heard Lisa call me. "Come here for a minute."

"What?" I asked, rather rudely. I walked to where she was standing. "The interview is going to start, can't we talk later?"

"This is about the interview, and stop acting so edgy." She said. "If it comes up to the point where they ask about girlfriends, lie."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act stupid. I've heard about that girl you've been prancing around for. It's nothing but the only everyone's been talking about." She crossed her arms. "I want you to clear up that rumor up."

"Well, what are you expecting me to say?" I asked. She leaned in and began to whisper into my ear, what? Was that really what they wanted me to say? "No! I'm absolutely not saying all that."

"You have to, you signed the contract. It's that or you're out of One Direction." Lisa threatened.

Before I could protest anymore, I was informed that our interview was going to start.

I took my seat beside Liam and leaned on my right hand. I honestly didn't want to be here right now, when I could be at home watching Youtube videos.

"Hello boys!" Jerad came out to meet us. "It's been a while since you've been here. A year eh? How have you all been?"

"We've been good Jerad. The boys and I recently ended our Take Me Home tour, and we've announced our Where We Are stadium tour dates." Liam said. Of course, he always answers.

"Now away from that topic, tell me. Raise your hand if you have a girlfriend." Jerad said. Liam, Louis and Zayn were the only ones that raised their hands. Harry and I kept ours down, as usual. "Did you and Sophia get back together Liam?"

"Unfortunately no, but I did find someone better. As well as Louis."

"Interesting. Niall? There's a rumor about you and a certain Youtuber going around." Jerad smirked.

This was my cue to lie.

"Aileen and I.." I began. My voice started breaking. Why did I stop? "There's nothing going on between us, there never was. She's just like any other friend I've had. We did hang out a few times, but that was nothing. Nothing at all."

"Oh really? Dissapointing, really." Jerad sighed. I'm just as dissapointed too.

A I L E E N ' S   P O V

I think everything's gone back to normal, before Niall came along. The boys are always over though, but they're usually just all sitting outside in the yard enjoying the sky. I always sit inside and just watch some anime or something on the television. At the moment, I was watching the boys' interview. I'm a fan after all.

Falling For Fridays // Niall Horan (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now