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Dinah's POV

It's been 2 months since I've talk to Normani. I've seen pictures of Normani and Lauren together but it looks more than friendship. I don't care anymore. Normani has tried to talk to me but I just lie and say I'm not available. I don't wanna hurt Normani and all. Not that I care for her feelings. I just don't like seeing other people hurt. But Normani doesn't seem to care if she hurts someone else's feelings. I'm saying that cause she did it to me. She didn't care. She didn't cry. All she did was chase me then she just stopped. If she really loved me she wouldn't have stop chasing for my love. But she did. If it was me I would not stop. Lauren has tried to apologize too. But I didn't except it because she's supposed to be my sister. But it's all good. Zendaya and I have gotten really close and I think I like her. Also we both got excepted to Florida State University. Which I might except to get my mind off of Normani. I'm over love drama. I'm gonna ask Zendaya out and see how that works.

Normani' POV

I feel terrible. I didn't mean to kiss Lauren. She just came onto me and I wanted her to leave me alone. Dinah was right when she said I could've just walked away. Dinah is probably flirting with Nella or Siope right now while I'm sitting here just thinking about my mistake.

Zendaya's POV

Dinah just called me to go to Texas Roadhouse. That's my place right there Mannn! I asked her was Normani coming and she said hell no. I don't know what's going on but I'll figure it out. Dinah's so sweet. I hope her and Normani broke up so I can have Dinah. I'd treat her way better than Normani will ever treat her.

At Texas Roadhouse now with Dinah.

"Hey daya!" She yelled.

"Hey girl. Why'd you wanna meet up deej. You ok?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to hang with you" she explained.


The waiter came to ask for our drink orders.

"Hi I'm Anna, and I'll be your server today...so what would you like to drink?"

"Uhm I guess I'll take lemonade please" I said. I looked at Dinah who was still thinking pretty hard on what to drink.

"I guess I'll just get water for now if that's fine" she said and looked down.

"Sure. I'll be right with you" she said while walking away.

"Well she's nice" I mumbled. Dinah chuckled. "A little to nice if you ask me" she said while I laughed.

After getting Dinah and I's drinks, Anna finally came back out and asked for our orders.

"Well what would you like to eat?"

"Uhm some steak and some mashed potatoes with some salad on the side. Oh yeah and don't forget the A1 sauce"

"And for me I'll get the shrimp pasta and some garlic bread please" I said.


"Thank you"

She took our menus and walked away.

"So Dinah what did you really wanna do over here?"

"What makes you think that I'm trying to do something?"

"You've been stuttering everytime we talk"

"N-Nuh uh"

"You just did it deej" I said while giggling.

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