17 part 2

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Normani and Dinah and the girls, soon arrived at the new apartment. The whole ride Shay was bugging them to play the Dora theme song and "let it go" but after 3 times on repeat Normani said no.

"Pleaseeee Auntie mani. Just one more time?!"


"Fine. Auntie Dinah. Can you play it then?"

Normani looked her and mouthed the words. "If you do. No kisses"

"Sorry honey. I can't."

"That's not fair! Auntie mani told you No!"

"Yes she did. We're almost home anyways. I'll let you use my Bluetooth speaker there. Ok?"

"Yeahhh" Shay said while unbuckling herself to kiss Dinah on the cheek. "I love you more" Shay whispered.

"Ok." Dinah whispered back before turning around to buckle her back up. "I love you but don't unbuckle yourself up unless we tell you to ok love?"

"Yes ma'am. Sorry"

"It's ok I just wanna make sur-" Shay cut her off.

"I won't End up like my parents" Shay said while looking down at her hands and started to cry.

"Mani stop the car."

Normani stopped the car in a parking lot of "dollar mania"

"Shay. I understand what happened to your parents was very sad. But for you, Sasha and your Auntie mani you have to stay strong. You have too. I know it hurts. I know it does. But I want you to know your parents want you to be strong. They love you ok. And we love you to Shay. So be strong ok. Elsa is counting on you" Dinah said while rubbing Shay's back. She kissed her forehead.

"O-ok. Elsa is counting on me and I have to stay strong!" Shay said while wiping her tears away and putting on a big grin.

"That's a good girl" Dinah said.

Shay asked Dinah to put her down because Normani was behind them in tears.

"Auntie Mani. We gotta stay strong ok? Elsa won't like us if we don't stay strong and I love Elsa and if she doesn't love me then I'll cry"

"O-ok baby" Normani said. She put Shay down and looked at Dinah. She ran towards her and leaped into her arms. Dinah spun her around just like those romantic movies.

"I-I love you so much Dinah"

"I love you much more Mani." Dinah said. Normani soon couldn't resist it anymore and attacked her lips.

"Ewww!" Shay and Sasha said in unison. Dinah put Normani down.

"Shut up and get in the car."

Shay started to giggle.

"So how's pre-k treating you Shay?" Normani asked.

"It's good"

"That's good"

"Yeah" Shay said looking out the window.


They arrived at the new apartment.

"Is this our house?" Shanya asked.

"Yes honey. You can unbuckle now. Unbuckle your sister too"

"K. Can I carry her too."

"Yeah." Normani answered.

They walked inside of the house.

"This is nicee!" Shay said.

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