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4 years later ( sorry )

Oh, it has been different these past few years between Dinah and Normani. There's been several fights. That has always gotten sewed back together. Hey! Do your remember how Normani always has been the bad guy ( girl )? Yeah? Well Dinah has done something pretty bad too. Her ex-boyfriend, Nela ( No neck thumb looking ayusss ). Had come over to Dinah and Normani's place to wish Dinah happy birthday since Dinah had only planned to spend that day with just mani and the kids. Well Normani wasn't at home at the moment. But on the other hand, Nela had some nasty tricks up his sleeves. Oh did I forget to mention  that Shay and Sasha are now 5 and 8. Anyways also the kids were home. Nela didn't care. Dinah's situation was sad. Very. Being at the point where she's also almost cured of the heart disease. Nela was already putting her under a can full of stress.


"Dinah...why are you running. I don't bite. Unless you want me to" Dinah could hear the smirk on his face. Which made her gag but she had to keep quiet. Since she was now hiding in Shay's room in her closet with Shay and Sasha by her side. Trying her best not to make any noises.

"Mommie. Where's mom?" Sash asked.

"Shh babe. We're gonna be ok. Mom is on the way home" Dinah tried to get them to be quiet as much as she could. But she failed.

"But I want mom!" Shay yelled. "What if she doesn't come back home. Just like my mom!"

"Dinah...! I can hear your little bitches in there with your ass. Just for running you all are going to get it. Maybe just the kids. You'll just be watching while they cry for help." Nela said.

"Shay, Sash. Please be quiet. If you guys don't be quiet...-w-we will get hurt pretty bad. So be quiet!" Dinah yelled whispered.

"Y-yes ma'am" they said in unison.

"Now come here and give mom-" Dinah was cut of by the closet door getting yanked open.

"There you are!" Nela yelled.

"Shit" Dinah mumbled.

"Mommie. I'm scared" Sasha and Shay said.

"We're Gonna be ok"

"Who told you that?" Nela asked.

"I know we are. Just leave Nela. I didn't chose your no dick having ass. So just leave." Dinah yelled.

"I'll show you someone who doesn't have a dick!" He yelled while grabbing Dinah away from the kids.

"Mommie!" The kids yelled in unison.

Nela wrapped Dinah's wrist in a rope. And tied them so tight to where Dinah couldn't even move one bit.

"You know. I'm gonna have your kids crying so hard that they might even die. My goal actually" he said while laughing.

"Nela you don't have to do this" Dinah said while squirming to get out of those ropes but failed completely.

"Shay. Come here. I won't hurt you. I promise." Nela said.

"No!!" She yelled.

"I warned you." He said while rushing to Shay and grabbed her by her waist. He pushed her on her bed.

"I'll give you an option Shay. Would you like to see your sister getting hurt. Or your mommie" he said emphasizing mommie.

"Just hurt me already." She said.

Dinah was now in tears. She tried and tried to get out of those ropes. But she couldn't. She was already to late. He had already had himself inside of her little baby.

"Mommie help me. Owwww. Please stop. I'm begging you!" Shay yelled.

Then there comes Normani. Since where Shay's bedrooms door was. It was positioned behind Nela. So he didn't know she had walked in. Dinah was wrapped up in the Shay's closet. Normani almost gasped but Dinah mouthed no. And to be quiet and to get her out of the ropes. Normani went down the hallway into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. She made it back to Shay's room and cut Dinah's ropes. Dinah quickly grabbed the knife away from mani. Because Dinah wanted to kill this man. But she wasn't going to do it infront of the kids. She just cut his arm.

"Ahh shit!"

Dinah yelled and mani to get the kids out of here asap and to call 911. Mani did as she was told. She ran out of Shay's room with both kids in her arms.

"I told your ass to leave. Now your going to regret it!"

"I'm not-" Dinah cut him off. She stabbed him in the arm.

"Shut up. I would be killing you right now but my kids are here and I can't do that." Dinah grabbed he's arm. And opened Shay's window.  ( Since they had lived about 7 stories up in their apartment ). She opened her window and threw him out. Not caring if he died right then and there. She just was so frustrated that he had but he's no dick having ass in her "Daughter". She was mad. Dinah wanted him dead. But the kids were there and she couldn't do that. Luckily there was no blood on the ground. Just on Sasha's bed. Dinah was angry!

"Shitt!" She yelled. Dinah yelled again. "Mani! Where are you"

"I'm in here!"

Dinah ran in the bathroom to see Normani trying to clean Shay up. Since she was covered in blood. Shay was in pain and she had to be in the hospital asap.

"Mani she needs to be in the hospital. Like now! She can get infected" Dinah yelled. Normani giggled.

"Mani what the hell is funny!?"

"I was a nurse before I met you. I got this."


While Normani was working. She asked me a question.

"So where's no neck?"

"Probably with the cops now." Dinah said while getting up to look out the window to see Nela being
Pushed inside of a cops car. The cops not even caring that he was nearly stabbed to death. "Yeah he's gone for good"

"That's good. Dinah?"


"I love you"

"I love you too mani"

A/N: Shay is my little soldier. My baby! But poor kid. She's only 8 no neck! Sorry if y'all feel offended the way I am talking about Nela. I just hated how he cheated or broke up with Dinah and it makes me sick because Dinah is beautiful inside and out and I hate how he or Siope treated her. But it's ok. She had Normani now. Norminah is real! Sorry for mistakes. Love you. Thank you for 3k! Byee

Love, Dinah's wifey 😍

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