Chapter 5

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    I ended up falling asleep last night as woke up to the sounds of chaos. Confused, I sat up and walked to the door. Joker was throwing everything. From drinks to furniture. My feet dashed down the stairs as I yelled his name. Only for him to throw a knife towards me, hitting my leg. The rest of the way down the stairs was a tumbling fall. Joker came towards me and picked me up, pinning me to the wall. I've never been so scared in my life.

    "MayaMayaMaya." He said growling. "Why don't people listen? When I'm the boss. Why don't they listen Maya?" I started crying. I haven't seen the Joker this mad yet and the pain in my leg was terrible. I looked around me and looked at the dead bodies. All of his henchmen were dead. I started screaming and crying, trying to get out of his grip.

    "Maya, calm down. You act like I'm crazy!" His sinister laugh echoed through the house and I spit in his face. I regretted it the moment his face started to shake and his hand moved down to the knife in my leg. I tried kicking but my leg wouldn't move without pain.

    "All that fighting back is gonna get you hurt, baby. For someone who stalked me forever, you don't know how to treat me." With that he twisted the knife side to side as he pulled it out. I screamed and the pain made me pass out. This might be the best part of the morning.

    When I came to, I had noticed that my leg was stitched up and I could smell vodka. I assumed Joker did the stitching due to the okay but not so great stitching skills. Terrified, I looked all around trying to find him. When I did, I noticed he was surrounded by knifes and guns and alcohol, his head in his hands and his green hair messed up. The looks of his make up was crazy out of place and I almost felt bad for him. What happened? The man was just going pyscho and now he sits with an ominous vibe in front of me.

    I shifted and winced just a little bit which caught his attention. He looked up and me and I noticed his eye makeup was all over. The Joker was crying. "I don't know why I did what I did to you, my Maya. I guess I've just lost my marbles." He laid back and I couldn't help but to feel bad for him. Yeah, I felt bad for a psychotic maniac. I still managed to get off of the couch and limp my way over to him. It took a while to get to the ground and when I laid in his arms and pressed my head on his chest, I could hear his not so steady heart beat. "I once sat on a screwdriver. That was the worst pain I had been in."

    My comment made him smile. All I wanted him to know is that I didn't hate him. We laid down for a while and let the light shine on us through the blinds. No matter how terrified of him I was, I can never deny that I'm his. Maybe one day he could be mine. If my mother was to hear my thoughts, she would slap the daylight out of me. No way should Maya Lee Smith fall in love with The Joker.

    He coughed and I could smell the alcohol in his breathe. When he leaned up, he made sure that I came up with him. I noticed him looking at my stab wound and he got a little sad. That's when I leaned in and pressed our foreheads together.

    "Why so serious?" I had said in a funny voice. Joker smiled and let our noses touch. "Hmm. Me serious? They don't call me The Joker for no reason, baby." With that, he helped me up and carried me bridal style to the room. I was confused as what was going to happen but realized he was taking me to the bathroom.

   "You need to shower. I have some shirts and stole some panties that I thought you'd like and I uh, call me when you're done." He messed with his hair and began to turn but I realized that I needed help. "Joker?" Turning around, he noticed my concern. "Can you.... Can you come in with me? I need someone to keep me stable.." He nodded and I undressed. I felt his eyes look at my body, examining my curves and lower bloody half. I noticed he didn't worry about taking his pants and shirt off as he stepped into the shower with me, standing close so I couldn't fall. It was a sincere and passionate moment that I couldn't rub off. I started to get the shampoo but he grabbed it before me.

    "Let me. I did, after all, stab your leg. Just relax." I nodded and he began to massage my head, cleaning it with the shampoo. It was the most relaxed I have been since I've been here. Even though I was fully naked, I could say that being in his presence didn't make me uncomfortable. In fact, I liked it. When I was done rinsing my hair out, he began to wash my body, caressing my skin with the soap in his hand. He seemed mesmerized as he touched my body. Slowly going over and in between my breasts and then locking eyes with me.

    That's when I realized that I couldn't help myself any longer. I unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, throwing the very damp shirt on the floor outside of the shower. I lightly let my fingered glide across his skin. Feeling every scar and muscle and smooth inch of his torso. When I looked up, he brought me closer to him. "You like what you see?" I nodded and we almost kissed until I brought my head to the side. He grew very confused and I smiled. "Why do you want this?" I said tilting my head.

    "Well, for the first time in my life, I haven't wanted to kill someone. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I have my true partner in crime. You make me feel free and less insane." His words made me blush. The sound of his rough, scratchy, yet sexy voice made me want to hear him talk to me all day. So this is the soft side of him, huh? This is what it's like to have this type of bond with the Joker. We really were partners in crime. He had inked my body all over and I have his name and initial on me. I was his and I helped him do these terrible crimes that made me feel excited. Really.... I would do anything for this man.

    "I want you, Joker. I want this. I want to break the law and spy on people and be your right hand man. This is the life I feel like I was meant to live. And if that makes me insane then so be it. Lock me in Arkham for all I care." His head went back into the water and then he shook his head to make it where water wasn't dripping so bad. "You live up to your tattoos. You're all mine." Then he crashed his lips into mine as I pressed my naked body as close to him as I could get it.

    When we stopped our little make out session, I stepped out. He followed soon after and I got my body dry with a towel. I went to the draws and saw some of his shirts, putting on a purple button up and some thongs, seeing as that was all that he got me. I felt heat come to my bottom and realized he slapped my ass.

    "Now come downstairs with daddy. We have some chaos to plan."

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