Chapter 16

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   I'm sick. Not only am I on my period, but I am sick. Not the sneezing and snot sick. The throwing up type of sick. I'd like to know what the fuck I ate that decided to fuck my stomach up this bad.

    J had no problem still trying to lift your mood but sometimes, even he needed a break. One of his henchmen were told to stick with me while he went out to do... Something. Right now, I don't care what he does. I was camped out in the bathroom because I knew that I'd throw up sometime soon. The henchmen knocked on the door, holding his nose.

    "The Joker is on his way home. Are you okay?" I'm not going to lie, this one was my favourite. I think his name is Todd.

    "Oh I'm peachy. Just want to die but what's new right." He laughed lightly and patted my shoulder before he left.

    Cramp. Tears. Throw up. Tears.

    Then I couldn't stop crying. This is the most annoying thing I've ever been through. Every inch of my body was in pain. My fist collided with the floor as I was angry with the pain. I laid done on the ground, groaning in pain as I held my stomach and cried.

    The door downstairs opened and I heard a lot of shouting, not angry shouting though. J was congratulating the boys. Awe, good job everyone. I heard his footsteps coming and the door opened. I moaned to let him know where I was and then heard something.

    "Really J. That's a little passive aggressive." He walked with a Fabreeze can in front of him, spraying as he went. Well, at least it started smelling good.

    I sat up and saw him sit next to me with a bag. When I looked it in I saw multiple things. He started pulling them out and my eyes got wide.

    "After our little adventure to the jewelry store, I stopped at a grocery store. I don't uh... I don't know if you used tampons or pads so I just got both. Then a red velvet cake and some chocolates. Apparently, you're supposed to like those when you're going through this time." J was so sweet when he tried. I smiled over as him and I did want to eat. I grabbed a fork and took a small bite.

    "Thanks J. I'm honestly going through so much and this already makes me feel better." I was so happy that I started crying. J was confused and I couldn't stop. He didn't know what to do. "I don't understand. Why are you crying?" I laughed and he ignored the mood swings and took a bite of the cake.

    "Woah Mister. You've got a sweet tooth?!" Another bite and I was shocked.

    "Just because I'm crazy doesn't mean I have no tastebuds." His eyes widened playfully as he took another bite. I laughed then held onto my stomach as I felt a cramp.

    "J?" A nervous look spread through his whole face as he looked to me. "Can you rub my hips?" One eyebrow raised on him as he sighed, telling me to come over to him.  I did what he said, going in between his legs and then laying sideways. Really, there was no way for even me to understand the weird position I laid in.

    Joker started whistling and rubbed my hips in a circle. "You can go harder." Slowly but surely, he got harder. Perfect. This is what I needed. I started feeling drowsy and felt myself being lifted up.

    "Where am I going?" Suddenly, I felt the bed under me.

    "You need to sleep. You're just as important as I am in this team and we aren't doing as well without you, bad breath." I laughed and lightly hit his arm. He grabbed my hand, lightly gripping it before leaving.

    It didn't take him long to go back to his normal crazy self. "If I hear that any of you guys have bothered her while I'm gone, I'll make it seem like you never existed." A door slammed and I closed my eyes.

    The rest didn't last too long when I felt the need to use the restroom. I did my business and then walked downstairs. Joker wasn't anywhere I could find. Not until I saw the basement door open. I walked down the stairs and saw him laying on the torture table. What a sadistic fuck. I laughed and walked over to him, poking his shoulder.

    His eyes slowly opened and when he saw me, he smirked. "Go to bed, you're being obnoxious." This made me laugh, knowing he was joking around. "Want do you need?" I twirled my thumbs around and he opened his eyes fully, sitting up and stretching.

    "Can we camp out in here? It's the coldest room and I'm having a lot of heat flashes." J groaned then nodded his head, rubbing his eyes. Before long, I was up the stairs and grabbing every blanket and pillow I could find, with the help of Todd of course.

    Without the help of Joker because he is lazy, I made a little pallet of blankets and pillows on the floor. Joker came over and laid down next to me and raised his eyebrows. "Well, I must say... this is quite comfortable." Of course it is, I made it. "Thanks J. I miss shooting places down with you." He laughed and turned so we could face each other.

    "You can still shoot things. Do you know how many henchmen I have and how many I can get whenever I want." Well, I can definitely say the rumors of him not caring about anyone are true. Shaking my head, I sighed.

    "We could always take my sick ass on the job with all of you guys." My suggestion got an eye. Well, it's always worth a shot.

   "We can't have someone throwing up and shooting people in a bank. They may feel bad for you and that's also just nasty." A man who tortures and kills has a weakness to vomit. Why is he so twisted and backwards?

    I saw him yawn and decided it was time to go back to bed. We said our good nights and went to sleep.

Yeah I know, it's a filler and I'm bored because I don't sleep and didn't know what to do.
I want y'all to know I'm here for you if you ever need it. If you have a thing to rant about, I got you. I will respond as if we have been friends all of our lives. Male of female too. I never judge.
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