Chapter 8

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    Two weeks have gone by since the Joker electrocuted me. Thor seems to like the Joker more than me. Kind of makes me jealous. Stole me then my dog. I've only gone on about 3 or 4 little missions. That's when he talks to me the most. Sometimes he praises me and he will even compliment me in whatever I'm wearing. However, when we aren't working or planning, we haven't talked much.

    I didn't like it but I figured that in order to get out of this aggressive silence that maybe, just maybe I could play a game. Joker was out doing something. I would know what that something was but due to the lack of communication, it seems like I know nothing. This would be my chance to go out and explore, have a nice little adventure.

    Leaving the house was easy, being that I was alone. Next was going to a little warehouse that held the Riddlers hideout. Of course just about every villain knew that. I took Jokers motorcycle there for time reasons.

    Once I got there, I parked the motorcycle a little bit away so no one could hear me. Then I put on a coat and a hat just in case there's cameras. However, the warehouse was empty. No one was there. I walked in and looked around seeing a desk and some papers on it. Those papers had notes, next moves, everything he had planned. Jokers hates this man and if he knew all of his plans then just imagine the things he could do. I grabbed them, putting them in my coat and rode back to the house.

    I threw the papers on the bar and sat on the couch with a beer in my hand. Almost immediately, Joker and the same old four henchmen walked in. He looked at the bar and say the papers.

    "What is this?" He flipped through them with a confused look on his face.

    "Riddlers notes. His plans, next step, thoughts. Everything I could find. All in his handwriting." I got up and the Joker smirked, looking at the papers and then to me. "I figured you would want that. Unless I'm wrong. Am I wrong?" I tilted my head and got very close to him.

    Joker coughed. "Oh no, sweetie. You're right. You are very right. How did you get these?" He set down the papers and let his eyes glue to mine.

    "Well, I am getting paid, living in a... nice house, and getting fed and trained. All to be a spy. So, I did what I do best and snuck some things and did a little bit of this.... a little bit of that.." I was in his face. Inching closer and closer but not to touch him too much. He was starting to feel anxious. I don't know if it was from excitement of the touch or because of what I've done. Perhaps, both?

    He closed his eyes for a second and turned around, almost defeated.
"Now boys, why can't you be like little Miss Maya?" He said laughing. I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder, slowly letting it fall down his arm and lightly tug on his wrist and then walked back to the couch. He watched me walk and the henchmen started shifting uncomfortably.

    "Maya, come with me to the room." I nodded to the Joker nonchalantly and followed him up the stairs. Once we got into the room, he pinned me to the wall.

    "I don't know what you're doing but the fact that you left this house... Oh that was a mistake." Joker looked pissed and I laughed. "Oh, Joker, don't get mad at me for doing my job." I said as I tugged upwards and he started breathing heavily. "Just be happy because I got something you need and your stupid goons couldn't do it for you." I got out of his arms and walked to the bed, he stayed looking at the wall.

    "My goons don't do shit right, I'll admit. But don't you mock me." Joker turned around to look at me.

    "Oh. I wasn't mocking you. If you felt mocked, that's because you realized that I maybe, for once, did something a little better than you." I smirked and he walked to the bed.

    "Don't talk to me like that, Maya." I couldn't help but feel scared but also, I had a plan. I got up fast and got really close to him. "Or what Joker? You think I've lost my mind? YOU THINK IVE LOST MY MARBLES?! This is what you asked for J." I started laughing hysterically and then he walked away.

    "If you want something to eat later, the boys are getting pizza." I nodded and laid into the bed as I heard the door shut.

    Two Jokers in one house? We could have fun with this.

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