Chapter 20

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The blow sent me to the floor and I tried to get up when the guy kicked me. He turned to Joker not long after that and threw a swing at him, just with a knife this time. Joker barely dodged it, getting a small cut on his chest.

I had enough strength to get up and walked over to the guy who had the knife to Jokers smiling face.

"I could kill you right now, Joker. No one would care." The click from my gun pressed up against his head cause his smile to fade.

"I would care." Joker twisted the mans arm, breaking it until he dropped the gun then punched the guy until I stopped him. "J you can't kill him!" I tugged on his shoulder and waited for him to get up. We started searching through the boat and looking for the file.

"Would've been nice had your little friend told us what the fucking file looked like, J." My comment got a cold glare as a response so I just continued looking. It wasn't in draws and it wasn't in a foldable. It was literally no where.

"I found it. Let's go baby." Of course he finds it. Before I left, I kicked the man in the ribs. Through his unconscious state, he looked familiar. I shook it off as we went to the car, throwing the file in the back.

Joker was driving when I noticed the blood all over his torso. I leaned forward and grabbed some shirt I found in the back and put pressure on the wound. Honestly, it was deeper than it looked in the dark boat. He must've been in some type of pain due to his wincing from me touching it. "I'm sorry, babe. It's what I got to do." I had concern for him and he threw me his phone. "Call the contact that's under Snipe. Tell him to meet us at the club." I did as he told me to and we drove to the club.

When Joker stopped the car, I grabbed the file then went to his side. I threw his arm around my shoulder then places my hand on his stomach. We walked through the doors and saw Snipe in the same booth as before. I told Joker to go on there then I went to the bar. "I need that towel around your neck and some Vodka." The man looked at me weirdly and then I threw him a twenty. This got his attention and he grabbed me a bottle and gave me the rag. As I made my way to the booth I noticed Joker was in pain still.

They were talking about the chemicals and file when I got there. "Open the case Snipe. I got your file and now you show me the chemicals." Snipe did as told and opened the case as I sat down and drenched the towel in some of the vodka. "This is going to hurt so grab my thigh. I don't care what pain you cause me because you're about to go through worse." He nodded and placed his hand on my thigh as I whispered that into his ear. Slowly, the damp towel made contact with his skin. His face showed no emotion but his hand squeezed my leg hard.

Joker sent a shaky smile at the case that had all the chemicals he needed then handed over the file. Snipe looked through it then had a nod of approval. "I knew y'all would be able to do it. You know they do say there's no one as good as the two of you together ." We smiled and he got up and walked out. The second they left, Joker squeezed my hand and all pain he was feeling was finally being showed.

"Doll that hurts like a bitch. Can you please drive us home?" I nodded and hurried out, Joker leaning on me.

We came through the doors and I silently wished we didn't let the goons go to their homes because I really needed help to hold him down.

He sat on the couch and I noticed that the slash had finally stopped bleeding. The towel was covered in blood and I threw it to the side. "Okay so I have to go upstairs to the bathroom to get some things. Stay here." He sighed and I got up. "Theres no where else I can go." The throaty way he said it showed how exhausted he was.

In the bathroom, I grabbed gauze, gauze tape, a lighter, and a needle with strong thread. I rushed down the stairs with the things in my hands and kneeled down on the ground next to Joker.

The lighter was used to sterilize the needle and help go trough skin. "Fuck! Go a little faster please!" My hands were moving as fast as I could and I ignored him. It took a lot in him to stay decently still. Once that was done, I put the gauze on and taped it to stay in place and noticed that the Joker was trying not to cry.

"Are you okay?" My eyes scanned his face as he turned to look down at me. "Honestly, that hurt so much worse than I was expecting. You're slow as fuck when it comes to stitching things." I laughed and told him to sit up. He did it and I sat under him so he could be in my lap.

"You're welcome for saving your life." We bother laughed and he looked up at me. "I was going to live either way. But thank you very much." He snuggled up to me as he laid in between my legs. My hands went through his hair and then on his shoulders, rubbing lightly. His shoulders were so stiff and it made me wonder if he'd ever been massaged. I've massaged before in my lifetime and I wouldn't mind hooking him up. That might just be too sweet for him, though.

The television was turned on and I saw him flipping through channels before stopping on the news. For some reason, this type of stuff helped him sleep. Maybe it was because he would always hear something about him and he's a cocky bastard. I silently laughed to myself and noticed that the Jokers eyes were closed. There was no use in taking the remote because that would just make him angry. Instead, I listened to them talk about us and batman and this guy and that guy and this situation until I fell asleep.

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