Chapter 25

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There was a ringing in my ears. The piercing sound causing my to fidget and arch my body as my head felt ready to explode. I was stopped. Looking down my body, I was naked and restraint. That's when my screaming started. Where was I and what was going on?

Whistling. A simple sound that caused even more pain and I knew that my brain needed to escape. I needed to explode.

"Do you feel that, darling?" A man with a scary mask came up to me, crouching down in a creepy way that made me close my eye. I bit down on something. It was rubber. There was something in my mouth that caused me to want to spit it out. A mouth guard, perhaps. The man hit on his chest and I felt a tear go down my face.

"That pain in your head you fell... that world of pain through each nerve, brain wave, even thought. That pain is a chemical that you breathed in." Then I remembered. Joker and I were attacked by someone. My love didn't get to me in time to tell me not to breathe it in. "Stupid... STUPID GIRL. You're so silly." My mind raced trying to figure out where Joker was. Another shot of pain went through my head and I screamed again. The masked man went to my ear and whispered lightly to me. "Louder." Both hands went on the sides of my head and shook. As I thought at first that nothing could make the pain worse, this did. My screaming was louder and the pain throughout each sound I made escaped through my vocal cords as if a song was being sang to this man.

He stopped and looked at me. "Are you scared?" There wasn't a need for an answer. The man knew exactly how I felt and he was enjoying it. "You're little friend is outside. He is listening to your screams and if he comes in.." He brought out a button. "BOOM!" My whole body flinched and I felt as my nose started bleeding. Was I going to die tonight? The thought scared me and I don't know if I was more scared of death itself or the fact that I couldn't be saved. There was no way that I was leaving and I was going to die alone. Joker wasn't going to be able to tell me goodbye and I wouldn't be able to see my family once more. Today was my last time to breath and I was going to be alone. Not so alone that the man wasn't here. No, alone in a way that made the shadows alive and the walls talk and I was petrified.

    "I'm going to let you die slowly. You're going to die from fear and pain. My eyes will watch you crumble and then the Joker will cease to laugh again." Another shot of pain through my brain and I started hitting at the table under me. My screams echoed and out of no where, the man was pushed to the ground. There was no use in paying attention to him. The pain exploding through my body was enough.


        The noise shot through my eyes, killing my brain just a little more. I had no more screams left.

        Bang! Bang!

        My body wasn't moving. No, I felt as though I wasn't able to move. A lady waved over my face and a look of pure concern washed through her eyes. Next, a door slammed open and shut, footprints rushed down a flight of stair. I looked around and watched as the figured did so. We were at the house. The thought of me being tortured in my own home emitted a foreign feeling. How could this have happened all in the place I lived at? The women started unstrapping me and a man came to me, kissing my head and I felt a wetness come to my forehead. Joker came into my view and the tears that streamed down his face were ruining his make up. He ripped off his jacket and said something to the women.

       I couldn't hear. The ringing was intense and soft all at once and Joker put his purple, long, jacket around me and picked me up. My body felt hard to move. Nothing was happening yet everything was happening. The whole world was confusing and I was waiting to pass out or die. Nothing came for I had to suffer through this pain. My head turned to see the man laying lifeless on the ground. I had put two and two together and finally could say it was the Scarecrow guy that the Joker had talked about just a week and a half ago.

        The lady wore a full body suit. Her cat like mask and long hair made me stare. Who was she? They were talking to me and I couldn't hear. I need to tell them. I wanted to tell them and nothing was happening. Was I not saying anything or were they not listening? Joker opened a car door and sat down in a passengers seat. The women sat in the drivers seat and drove. My body was being cradled as Joker sobbed, holding my naked body as tight as ever.

       The car stopped after what felt like forever. Everything around me was dark and I had no idea what time it was. Joker walked up a flight of stairs and the lady was in front of us. Suddenly, a door opened and a light flashed into my eyes, making me feel that pain once again, Jokers hand hovered my eyes to block it and I wanted to thank him but nothing happened. The light was turned off and once again, I wanted to thank someone. Joker let me go and a couch was below me. Two other ladies were in this room.

       They were are saying things, shouting at one another. There was a green lady with red hair. Truly beautiful if I say so myself. The other lady I thought I've see.  She wore normal clothes but had white skin and blonde hair. The ends were blue and pink. No one was looking at me as much and Joker was. My eyes started shutting and I felt my body being shook. Please stop doing this person, it hurts and I am simply just tired.

        I opened my eyes and Joker stopped the shaking. Next thing I know, a liquid is being shoved in my face. I wasn't going to open my mouth. The green lady looked sad and pained as I refused her help. She gave the cup to Joker and motioned him to do it. His hand found it way to my back and lifted me up. Our eyes locked as I took sips of it. The taste was disgusting and once I finished it, my eyes shut. The world around me no longer existed.

Personally, I am in love with this chapter.
But why the fuck does my mind come up with this sadistic shit?
Je T'aime!

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