Are Sharks Mean To Mermaids?

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Sharks. Fish that are large, have pointy-teeth, and are as old as dinosaurs. They eat everything in their path.

We all of heard of shark attacks, even though they're rare. The movie Jaws scared my 6 year old brother.

But are sharks mean to mermaids?

They are many arguments about this online, but I decided that I would share my option. If you have a different reasoning, you may share it in the comments.

My theory is that no, sharks don't harm mermaids. I say this because although sharks like eating fish, sharks don't like eating humans.

The only reason why there's shark attacks is because that small brain of theirs thinks that we're seals, therefore it attacks. But once it tastes human blood, it swims away.

I think it'd be the same way with mermaids. If a shark does attack, it swims away since it tastes human blood.

Some people might argue that a shark might just eat the tail, but I don't think this is true. Although, yes, they're part fish, they still have human blood turning throughout the body. Besides, sharks are the smartest creatures. I don't think a shark would process to think, "oh! There's the human part and the fish part! I'll just eat the fish part!" They eat things without thinking.

A scientist actually opened a stomach of a shark, and found a treasure chest, and a full suit of metal armor. Crazy!

This is my theory. Do you guys agree or disagree? What's your option?

Mermaid kisses, starfish wishes,


(A tiny shoutout to caroline_county_gurl  for the beautiful cover!)

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