Mermaid Morning Routine

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As a mermaid, it's very hard to get up and go to school with a big secret. But somehow, I do it.

When I first wake up, I wake up to my alarm clock, which is a whale call. (I'm not kidding. It wakes me right up!! Whales can be so loud..😂)

I get dressed, and go to the bathroom to do my makeup.

Once done, I must let my new puppy out to go to the bathroom. Awhile Max is outside, I eat breakfast, which may be cereal, or toast with jelly.

And I always make sure to drink as much water as possible in the morning, because mermaids always need extra water everyday.

I bring Max back inside, and make sure he's not wet from the morning dew. (One time he was, and I popped a tail. Poor Max was so confused because he couldn't find my legs. 😂)

I make my lunch, making sure to pack napkins!!

And then I'm off to school.

This chapter was inspired by BlueEyedJackson's video, Mermaid Morning Routine.

I love that video!!

Anyway, have a terrific Sunday!

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes,


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