Mermaid Thoughts Vs. Human Thoughts

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Hey guys! This is a different type of chapter. I was constantly wondering how different mermaid thoughts were with human thoughts. Same with actions and such.

I decided, why not do a compare and contrast chapter?

When watching World Olympics swimming:

Normal human: "Wow! That was fast!"

Mermaid: "Pfft! I can swim faster than that!"

Eating lunch at school:

Normal human: talking, calm, hanging out with friends.

Mermaid: Constantly watching all of the beverages to make sure they don't spill


Normal human: dreaming of crushes, superpowers, falling

Mermaid: dreaming of ocean, fish, the kraken, people finding out your secret

Time to go to bed:

Normal human: Ugh! I wanna stay up more!

Mermaid: WHEW! I lived through another day of people not finding out my secret!

First day of school:

Normal human: I don't want to be here. Summer was awesome.

Mermaid: Oh man. An even bigger chance of someone finding out I'm a mermaid...


Normal humans: The Hunger Games, Divergent

Mermaids: Emily Windsnap, Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings, Water Fire saga

Why they're taking forever in the bathroom:

Normal humans: fixing makeup, hair, taking selfies

Mermaids: managed to accidentally spill water over themselves and now they have a tail

Place they'd like to visit:

Normal human: Hawaii, Hollywood, Paris, Italy, etc.

Mermaid: Atlantis

What they always have with them:

Normal human: Phone, basketball

Mermaid: Towel

When someone says "mermaids aren't real":

Normal human: "Um, yeah. Duh. Mermaids are fake. Only little kids believe in them."

Mermaid: "Don't. Even. Go. There."

This was so fun to make, and I hoped some of you laughed or smiled awhile reading this.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday! This is a long chapter to make up for it! It's getting harder to update with school, band, NJHS, and volleyball. Along with family schedules and my new puppy. WHEW! I'm getting tired thinking about it!

But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes,


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