Could Your Parents Be Mers? Quiz

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1. Does your parents like to swim?
A. Yes!
B. A little
C. Not really

2. Do your parents know about your mermaid beliefs?
A. Yes!
B. I think they suspect it
C. Not at all!

3. Does your mother/father have any mysterious jewelry that they were every day?
A. Yep!
B. Does a wedding ring count?
C. Not that I know of

4. What's your mom's favorite color?
A. Blue/green/purple/pink
B. Red/orange/yellow
C. Black/white/grey

5. What's your dad's favorite color?
A. Blue/green/purple/pink
B. Red/orange/yellow
C. Black/white/grey

6. Did you ever see your parents swim?
A. No...
B. Once or twice
C. Yeah!

7. Are your parents okay with you saying spells?
A. Yes
B. They don't know that I do
C. No/I don't do spells

8. If you ask to go to the beach to either one of your parents, do they seem...
A. Nervous?
B. Annoyed?
C. Excited?

9. Does your parents keep a collection of old books/jewelry/notes/other?
A. Yes!
B. Some books are old
C. Not really

10. Are your parents have mermaid/merman hair?
A. I can see waves in their hair
B. I'm not sure
C. No


If you answered mostly As, your parents are mers. Now, maybe it's just your father that's a merman. Or it's just your mother that's a mermaid. Perhaps it's both of your parents, which is pretty rare. You have to be the judge of that!

If you answered mostly Bs, it means that your parents aren't mers, but they might have a connection. Perhaps one of them saw a mermaid, or knows a mermaid. Maybe they ARE a mermaid. This is a complicated process.

If you answered mostly Cs, your parents are not mers. But just because your parents are mers, that doesn't mean that you can't be a mermaid or merman!! It'll be harder to hide your secret, but this is fine. Lots of people have to find their "fishy" secret from normal parents.

I'm sorry if this quiz didn't match up with what you were hoping. I'm also sorry if this quiz is wrong. This is just for fun! :)


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