Mermaid Book I Wrote 4 Years Ago

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I always loved mermaids, even 4 years ago. Back then, I wanted to start a book about mermaids, but I had no idea how to. Here's a draft of a chapter that I wanted to write.


So what's a mermaid? It's a half human, half fish, with upper body human, lower body a tail of scales.

Mermaids would prefer living in the ocean because it's big. If they lived in a lake or river, they might be seen, which is risky.

You're probably wondering, "how can I see or catch a mermaid?" , right? Well, I don't know much about catching mermaids because I don't, but mermaids are fast and will do anything NOT to be seen.

Also, you must know this: I'm a mermaid.

That's right!

My name is Emma Hazel Faith. I'm 16 years old and knew my secret ever since I was 15, so it's only been a year.

I'm not the only mermaid, I have Jasmine Dawn Beth.

It was weird. We were in the ocean, looking up at the full moon last year. Then, our legs started flowing. My legs felt right. I looked down, and there it was, a tail. So I wasn't surprised when my tail came again when I was in the bathtub.

Whenever I touch water, within 5 seconds, my tails comes.

My tail flipped around in the bathtub. I always have to take baths now. My tail splished and splashed, making the floor wet.

My tail is orange, and so is my top. Same with Jasmine. The only way to make my legs appear again was to make myself dry.

I flopped out of the bathtub and onto the floor.

I reached up and grabbed a towel to dry myself.

"Emma!" BANG! BANG! "It's my turn!"

Did I mention that I have a little brother? His name is Robert.

My family does not know that I'm a mermaid. Lucky me!

"I'm drying myself off!" I yelled back.

"Dry off in your room, it's my turn!" Robert argued.

"No!" I shouted, rubbing the towel on my tail.

Dry! I thought. Dry!

"Just go in your room, does it matter?"


And that's all I got. Ugh, I'm cringing it's so bad, lol.

There's so little detail, and dialogue.


Sorry for the slow update today, but here it is!!

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes,


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