Are Mermaids Vegetraians?

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So what do mermaids eat? Do they eat fish and shrimp, or do they not want to eat their own kind?

I've been wondering about this for the last couple of days, and I realize that I think mermaids do eat fish.

Before you scream at me that I'm wrong, I think this, think of the fish population every year.

What eats smaller fish? Sharks.

And whose population is going down each year? Sharks.

So why isn't the fish population growing like crazy? Exactly. Mermaids are controlling the fish population for now.

I believe that before, mermaids were vegetarians, because there was enough sharks to control the fish. But now, they are eating them just to control the food cycle.

If you believe me, that's great. If you don't, that's okay too. Am I wrong? Is the population growing and I don't know it? Let me know, because this is just a hypothesis!

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes,


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