Mermaid Vocabulary From A to Z

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You know how when you were little, you had flash cards that said "A is for apple" and "B is for Bear"?

What would mermaid ABC flash cards look like?

A is for anchors

B is for blowfish

C is for coral reefs

D is for dolphins

E is for eel

F is for fish

G is for gubbies

H is for humans

I is for islands

J is for jellyfish

K is for kelp

L is for lobster

M is for moon

N is for Neptune

O is for octopus

P is for pufferfish

Q is for Queen conch

R is for ray

S is for seaweed

T is for turtles

U is for urchin

V is for viperfish

W is for whale

X is for Xiposura

Y is for yellowfin tuna

Z is for zebra mussels

In case some of you are wondering, yes. Some of these letters I had to look up things under the sea that would go with that letter.

But hey! I had to do what I had to do.

I had fun making this, and if you liked this and you want more stuff like this, make sure to vote!

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes,


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