1. Art assignment

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Victoria P.O.V

My mind is fuzzy, the last remnants of a dream being chased away by the realisation that I am awake. It was a nice dream, something about meeting my cousin but he came out as a famous world star but the details are fading fast even as I try to recall them. With a mental sigh I allow my brain to focus and cautiously open one eye.

The bright spring sunlight cuts the room in half and I see dust-motes dancing in the wall of light. I pull the duvet up over my head to keep it out. It's not going to work, my brain is awake now.

After mentally debating with myself if I should get up or not, my voice won telling me I have school and I shouldn't be late as it's the first day after our half term.
I pulled the duvet once again but off my body revealing a very unhappy face and an aching body parts.

"Vick your going to be late for school" I heard a sweet sound calling my name, I am guessing that's my mother. But the last part left me confused, I sat up at the edge of my comfortable bed which I am craving to go lay back on.

"Late..late..late" I mumbled still trying to figure out what my mum meant by I am going to be late, I am guessing right now is pretty early. What time is it?

I turned my head to look at the big clock that was hanging on my bedroom blue wall. I was just staring at it for so long until I came aware of the fact that my eyes weren't focusing to read it.


My eyes went hugely wide and I let out a perfectly high pitched scream. I was running around my room trying to figure out what I am going to wear and the solution to arrive at school without getting detention for being late on my first day of school.

I heard Someone came running towards my bedroom. I turned around and it was my mother holding a pan ready to hurt people.

"I heard someone scream so I came to see....and oh" her mouth became the perfect shape of an 'O' examining me from up to down.

"Your toast" she laughed and turned around in her heals and left the room making the atmosphere lonely without her presence. I snapped and I started to run and jump from place to place again.

I kept my outfit casual throwing on denim ripped jeans with a white tank top and a long cardigan, to complete my look I wore white sneakers. This should do for today.

 This should do for today

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"Time... time.. 8:25" I hurried, that was fast but that means I have 20 mins till school starts.
Oh no I forgot to prepare my bag I mentally ripped my head off for being this lazy. I found my back pack under my bed, I used it for like 1 year but who gives a damn.

"I am so late.." I whispered while placing all of the things I will be needing for today inside the bag. Which is simply a sketch pad, pencils and most importantly a rubber. High school is hard when you choose art as a core subject but I enjoy it and that's what matters.

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