21. Yourself

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Victoria's P.O.V:

'My real friend is none other then...'


A small feeling of happiness entered my system, this was a very significant moment I know I am going to remember for the rest of my life. A person so innocent so fragile, you could break with the slightest movement or lie would stay with you. I spread my arms in the air just as my heart spread out to catch the truth. I wanted to hug the living hell out of Hannah. Just as I was going to jump on her.

"Where were you? I woke up and no one was there. Claire and Taylor are no where to be seen and then I just found everyone gathered here what's going on? I demand answers" she narrowed her eyes annoyed crossing and uncrossing her arms from her chest. I parted my lips to speak however I didn't have the time as she spoke again.

"Oh Vicki What's wrong? Have you been crying?" She stepped closer and wiped a tear that I didn't know Coloured my cheek. I shook my head in response when realising that my voice have also been no where to be seen. 'Damn I sure need to go back to where I was to find it' I coo in my head sarcastically.

"Don't worry Hannah, she's just a little tired and I think she prefers no more questions to be asked" someone said from behind my back as they step closer I get a close look at their smile. I sure don't need to look up to the person's eyes to know that it's Blake. I roll my eyes playfully and nod.

Shawn filled the image in the corner of my eyes, he stared into space with slight curiosity and thinking shown on his face however he snapped out of his world when he felt my burning brown eyes. He gave me a confused look, my eyes purposely trailed to Hannah, she was boringly taking interest in her jacket, I sense some kind of bad activity swarming around her and this room. My eyes went back to Shawn to check if he understood my little eye signs.

Although I am afraid to say that he didn't get a single thing I am hinting at. I connected my small hand with my hair and redirected my pointer towards Hannah. Shawn finally understood my message. He stepped closer and looked at me mouthing 'how do I get her attention' I shook my head not knowing what to do, I put my hands in my pockets from habit, I unexpectedly felt tangled wires that I knew too well.

I dropped my earphones.

Shawn sees it and leans forward to pick it up giving me a clear view of his butt. Wow okay I shouldn't be looking but for god sake it's Shawn Mendes we are talking about, who wouldn't? Cuz I know I would... and I am not ashamed.

"Keep your eyes to yourself" someone gets hold of my jaw turning it harshly. Thinking it was Blake I was ready to crack a sarcastic smile.

Although I was met by autumn leaves brown eyes giving me more then enough reasons to lunge at him.

Fucking Cameron I can look where ever. Before i give Cameron my full attention i watch as Shawn taps Hannah.

"Excuse me" he says, Hannah turns around slowly. "Yes?" She bluntly replies. "I think you dropped this, is it yours?" He showed her my earphones, she looked at it closely then at Shawn's face. She shakes her head blankly and says "no they look familiar but they aren't mine" she shrugs turning around to gush at how angelic the window looks, sense the sarcasm? No? Okay.  Shawn formed a firm question on his face, giving me a defeated look.

If you didn't know me, I am a type of person that is really impatient I don't like people who are oblivious to what's happening around them. Which gives me reasons why to hate myself, I stood in front of Hannah holding her face between my palms turning her head to the direction of Shawn.

Finally found you - Blake GrayKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat