15. A smile so radient

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Victoria's P.O.V:

The car ride was quiet, I hated the silence it only brings more tension into a situation. I glanced at Blake examining his features, his green eyes light up in the sun, lips move up and down as he talks to himself. Blake catches me staring at him, I quickly turn around with a huge blush up my face.

"Victoria are you okay? Why are you red again? Is your temperature raising?" Hannah worriedly touched my face, her questions got the attention of Cameron for a split second before he grinned and turned back to look outside. I just looked at Hannah for 10 seconds, she stared at me back then took a glance at the person next to me which is Blake. A hint of realisation were shown on her face grinning she went back to what she was doing. These two are just weird, I sure don't want to know what they're thinking.

My mother was focused on the road driving the rover back to the house. It got a bit boring, Boredom were shown in each one of them. Cameron started playing with the MP3. Taylor swift bad blood came on, me and Hannah furrowed our eyebrows looking at each other. Blake chuckled.

Cameron saw our expression, he started changing it and a song came on, it was a song made by an angel. My mother realising the song, she stopped the car quickly pausing the song for a second. Cameron looked clueless but I knew what she was doing, she took out her sound proof headphones putting them over her ear. She started the engine again pressing the button on the car's MP3.

"You've got a hold of me, Don't even know your power" the angelic voice echoed around the car. Me and Hannah screamed really loud hurting the ears of Blake and Cameron as they hold into their ears for the dear of their lives.

We screamed at Cameron as he reached the MP3 button but rather then pressing the volume button he stopped the music.

"What the hell girls, my ears are literally bleeding" Cameron rubbed his ear really hard as his expression hardens. Blake has just turned into a ball.

"Are you big fans of Shawn?" Cameron finally stopped rubbing his ear. Shawn's music is really incredible but I only became his fan this month when my friends showed me his music videos, I have been listening to him since but I haven't stalked him and I don't know how or when he became famous or his details. I looked at Hannah and we both knew how to answer that simple question.

"He is a sex God ahhhhh" we both screamed In sync, Blake tensed next to me, I looked at his fist that was now into a shape of a ball. I had that urge to hold it but held back this feeling. But it's burning into my heart.

Suddenly both my phone and Hannah's phone dinged in one sound. Looking at the screen it was a tweet notification from Shawn I opened it and it reads.

Just landed in London! Hope to see my British fans very soon in my upcoming concerts in 3 days. Love you all #IlluminateWorldTour

"Oh my god we need tickets" I shrieked panicking as I go on the safari app and type 'Shawn mendes concert tickets' then went on the website. At that moment I let out a loud whimper "sold out" I read loudly.

"What's sold out?" Blake leaned towards my phone just to see my attempts that ended with failure. He laughed a bit, I glared at him and he quickly put on a straight face that didn't last for long as he starts to burst. i sighed. The same disapproving expression was planted on Hannah face's. Unexpectedly a phone started ringing "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...." obviously it was Cameron but who in the world put this song as their ringtone.

"Aye muffin boy how's it going?" He started talking to the person on the phone but I didn't care it might be one of the boys. My finger hovered over the messages app that I shut myself away from, Hannah noticed.

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