6. Justin Bieber

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Victoria' P.O.V:

Laughter echoed throughout the hotel's halls. I was enjoying my self very much with Cameron's company, he is running, with me on his back shouting out random song lyrics harshly trying to annoy some people that are staying at this hotel.

Cameron told me that this is a 5-star hotel which means your most likely to bump into a celebrity. This is very fun. I wish I always have days like this.

"There, there they are" someone shouted and it looks like it's coming from behind. Cameron doesn't notice what's happening but I turn my head looking back and I freeze. Justin Bieber and 2 of his security men are heading towards us, the devil blessed them with angry expressions.

I tapped Cameron's shoulder multiple times trying to get his attention. "Vicki what?" He exclaimed. "Turn around" I nervously ordered and he followed my simple instruction that made him look very panicked like a kid that have been stole candy from.

Before we could react, Justin and the men were right on our faces. We just froze.

Justin was in his pyjamas which means our loud voices interrupted his beauty sleep. I was never a fan of his and I don't care where this will go.

"So you were the loud brats that can't seem to keep it down around the hotel" Justin accused pointing at Cameron then when he got to me he examined my features. If it were up to me I will say he was checking me out. Pedafile I am only 15. Then when his gaze shifted to Cameron his face stiffened.

Cameron was taller then Justin I nearly snickered. Calm down Victoria. I shifted my eyes to look at my shoes.

Me and Cameron nodded at his accusation and smiled. From the beginning we knew we are going to get caught, but it was a risk we had to make. I didn't mind because I wanted to know who would be the snitch, I rolled my eyes, turns out to be the only Justin Bieber.

"And your the jerk that doesn't seem to live life to the fullest" I smirked at Justin seeing his expression showing offence. Justin opened his mouth to say something maybe a comeback but one of the men cut him off.

"You and your girlfriend should stop this nonsense right away" he ordered talking to Cameron seeing he's the more mature one. But he will never know.....

Me and Cameron took a glance at each other and burst out laughing.

"Her...my....girlfriend...no way dude"

"Him...my...boyfriend... I will rather die listening to Justin's music"

We spoke between laughs. My comment should sure stab Justin in the heart. Justin put a hand on his chest with a perfect 'o' shaped mouth. The men stepped back biting their lips trying not to laugh.

"We are In fact..." Cameron started snaking his arm around my shoulder while I wrapped it around his waist.

"Cousins" we shouted in sync showing the the piece sign. They stared at us while we held the position frozen.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I commented smirking. One of the men that haven't said anything took his phone out quickly taking a picture. We all turned to look at him showing him a 'really' expression.

"What? It's literally Cameron Dallas and his undiscovered cousin... Who doesn't want a picture of that" is he really a fan of Cameron. I guess Cameron's target audience is set high.

"Besides my niece will love this" I take that back. "Your right my sister has been going crazy about him" the other man commented stepping closer to the other guy away from Justin.

"Let me see the photo.." He looked at it and his eyes widened. "Wow send me that photo" he and the man walked away having their own conversation leaving the 3 of us confused.

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