13. I think i like her

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Blake's P.O.V:

I have seen it I know I did. Harvey was staring at Victoria intently and glaring at me for some unknown reason. Why is he suddenly acting like this, I am really confused.

"I don't know what we could do" Victoria complained falling backwards on the hard floor looking very bored. Why do I feel it's my fault that we are stuck in this mess, what was her mother thinking when she locked us in.

"How about we make a YouTube video" an idea popped into my head very fast. Regretting it when seeing Victoria's face, she was emotionless. "Is there something wrong?" I asked curiously, her face replaced the emotionless expression into a quick forced smile. "No it's fine, is it okay with you Harvey?" She turned to look at Harvey that was in deep thought. "what?" He snapped not knowing what we were talking about, typical Harvey I thought rolling my eyes.

"Blake got an idea to make a YouTube video"

"Oh right okay? Got a camera tho? Isn't it with Cameron" he thought, oh true. "How about we just get to know each other like play 20 questions" I suggested making a smile tug in Victoria's lips. Score!

"Yeah that's a great idea" she fist bumped me, i felt a million different feelings rushed through me as we made contact. Never knew a girl could make me feel like this.

I took out my phone and search for questions we could ask each other. "How about I ask a question from this list and we take a turn in answering them is that fine?" I showed them the website and both of them nodded in agreement.

"So first question-" I trailed focusing on my phone.  "What's your first impression of me?" I grinned waiting for their answers.

They sunk in deep thought, I wonder what they are thinking, I started being impatient.

"Come on it shouldn't take you that long" I complained.

"My first impression of you-" Victoria trailed.

"Annoying" Harvey empathised.

"Weird" Victoria exclaimed.

What caught my attention was that they both said it at the same time and it's all negative. I frowned "wow" I rolled my eyes sarcastically, we fell into a silent then suddenly we burst out laughing. "But is that really what you thought of me?" I wiped some tears that escaped my eyes. They nodded their head more then 3 times.

"Do you still think that?" I huffed crossing my arms across my chest. They froze then avoided making any eye contact with me as they just shrugged. "Oh come on guys" I threw my arms in the air like I don't care. But I do...

"What about me.. what's your first impression of me" Harvey asked curiously changing the subject waiting but it didn't take long for Victoria to answer.

" a gentleman" Victoria smiled, a feeling so different tingled in my stomach, this feeling felt negative, my heart fell in pain. Why do I feel hurt? Is this what they call jealousy?

"Great singer" I thought of the first thing that came to mind trying to not show my feelings through my face. But failed to do so as Victoria notices. "Are you okay? You look somehow pale" she touched my cheek I jumped in the process. I avoided eye contact for a split second but when I looked into her eyes I saw worry but it was more then that.

"I am fine" I lied. I can't just scream 'I am so jealous of what you said about Harvey' that is just so unlike me. Haven't I just met her like yesterday but looking back I started to develop feeling for her since she sang to me and it gets stronger and stronger whenever I look into her eyes. Those dark chocolate eyes making me melt with it's sweetness.

Finally found you - Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now