7. Musical.ly the problem

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Victoria's P.O.V:

Today turned out to be the best day of my entire 15 years. Everyone are really nice to me, well their idiots with Cameron their queen. I have talked with Blake, Harvey, Aaron, Taylor and Hunter but the rest are still unknown to me. Cameron left to get a person from the airport I didn't catch the name....Wait funny I don't remember Cameron throwing it.

"who wants to make a musical.ly?" Aaron happily proposed loudly earning a few glances from strangers. I heard 'me' 'yeah' 'that will be fun' 'I will film' thrown around. Making a musical.ly? Are they going to sing?. I raised my hand and coughed.

All of the boys that were heading out turned to me with confused expressions.

"Say what you want, this isn't school" Aaron chuckled, as the other boys join him my face turn a light shade of red from all the embarrassment, they laugh even harder. Asking myself why.. At that moment I realised my hand was still raised. I pulled it down as quick as I can. My face turns a deep shade of red if that's even possible.

"Um I-i am not used to being in a place with so many people without having to raise my hand to speak" I was referring to school, which was true I am used to staying at home a lot or going to my best friends houses, I am not into parties.

"Just found a tomato" Taylor giggled poking my cheeks, his giggle is like a little girl. "Very funny" I sarcastically laughed. I covered my face with my soft hands to restrain myself to my usual self.
"All I want to say-" I mumbled then paused, looking up from my hands.

"What's musical.ly?"

The whole room went silent, everyone stared back at me blankly with no emotion. I coughed as their eyes widened, they all begin to scream, run around and go all crazy.

I didn't know one question could make people loose their minds. Blake stopped running stepping beforehand. He cupped my face in his hands squishing my cheeks, making me look like a fish.

My heart rate start to pick up speed. No not that feeling. Blake pierced holes right in the centre of my chocolate eyes with his crystal emerald eyes.

"Poor you Victoria, have you been living under a rock all these years?" He combed my hair with one of his hands that he removed from my cheek.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I can't believe this boy, I smacked his hands that were in contact with my precious head. Feelings of regret slapped me across the face painfully emotionally. I missed his little touch. He was taken aback with my action.

"Whatever sucker, so what is it?" They screamed again but this time Blake sat down staring at me.
"Hey leave her alone,everyone is new to something" Harvey stepped in front of my tiny body defending me. These boys should be more like him. His tall well postured body spun a 180-degrees turn facing me.

"I'll show you"

With that simple line Harvey grabbed my wrist pulling me gently to a nearby table.
In the corner of my eye I saw Blake stiffen and clench his jaw. What wrong with him?

I Focused my attention back to Harvey, he took out his phone opening the app. He explained every detail. All I got from his long explanation that musical.ly is making a 15 seconds video lip syncing to a song of your choice. telling the audience a long story short using hands gestures, it can be funny or just enjoyable.

"What a waste of time" I sighed looking at the app blankly. Harvey just stared at me and chuckled, I moved my eyes to pierce his light green ones.

Finally found you - Blake GrayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora