3. best shower ever

623 49 39

Unknown number?

I picked it up thinking it's an emergency.

"Hello" I hesitantly spoke.

"Thank god is this Victoria Dallas?" a voice that sounded familiar asked but I still can't get my head to think straight.

"Yes who is this?" I am getting worried.

"I am disappointed in you, how can you not recognise my voice" he sighed out of disappointment.

"Well sorry just tell me who you are" I am starting to get annoyed.

"It's Cameron your cousin" he spoke proudly.

Wait my cousin? My eyes went wide then I smirked, let me play I-forgot-who-you-are game, "who? Cameron who?" I asked pretending to be curious.

"YOUR COUSIN CAMERON DALLAS" he screamed through the phone and I had to keep my phone inches away from my ear or damage can be done.

"Hmm Cameron Dallas?" I barked a laugh.

"Victoria are you playing that game again?" I can't see him but I feel him rolling his eyes.

"What makes you think that?" I calmed down still chuckling.

"Wow I know you know who I am stop with the acting..OW hunter stop with the punching" he shouted at someone next to him.

I never heard of someone called hunter back home but I shrugged it off.

"I see Cameron's sass is still there and why did you call now? We haven't spoke for almost 3 years" I flinched noticing he can't properly see me.

"Well it was hard to contact you from the other side of the world but I am happy now I can talk to you and I also want to ask you for a favour" he happily said.

"Sure and wait a second.." I looked at my phone to see the number that he called with and it was a uk number. "Why is you phone number a British one?" I asked shocked.

"Oh I haven't told you I am currently in London" he said quietly almost a whisper.

"WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me?" I shouted angrily. Few people glanced my way. I smiled at them awkwardly.

"That's the other reason I called you but right now I need your help really badly" he begged.

"Okay what is it? Did someone cover you with ketchup again" I joked remembering past events.

"Ha ha very funny! You did that to me" he sarcastically chuckled.

"Whatever boy tell me what you need help in" I laughed.

"One of my friends have gone missing and I need your help to find him" he worriedly proposed.

"Okay but this is a big city I don't know where he might be gone" i exclaimed.

"Oh" he grumbled

"What his name first of all"

"You should know him his name is Blake gray"

"Whose Blake gray?" I questioned I never heard of someone called Blake gray, is he like famous or something? But someone famous? Friends with Cameron? No way... Or is it?

"Not important right now I will tell you later"

"Describe him to me, I am an artist I can draw him" I confidently said preparing my sketch pad and pencil.

He started to describe him, an hour passed and I am happy with my final piece it looked real and the hair looks familiar.

He started to describe him, an hour passed and I am happy with my final piece it looked real and the hair looks familiar

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Finally found you - Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now