Chapter 3: A new friend

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A girl who looked my age but a bit older, with long brown hair and blue eyes. She looked pretty but I couldn't make her out easily because the sun was in my way. Anyway, I sat up and we must of stared at each other for 1 or 2 minutes. Until I finally said, "um hi can I help you?".

The girl smiled and said "no, but this is my space where I usually sunbath because the sun is much better here". "Oh I'm so sorry feel free to sit next to me" I explained. She put her towel down a laid down closing her eyes. "What is your name?" I asked her kindly looking down at her. With her eyes still closed she replied, "Bella". "That's such a pretty name" I said. Bella opened her eyes and sat up looking at me smiling, "thank you" she said softly. "May I ask what your name is?" "Heidi" I replied. "Heidi" Bella said to herself, "how pretty". "You know Heidi means brilliant and smart" Bella said. "Thank you Bella" and I grinned at her.

Iv only know this girl for at least 5 minutes and I feel like Iv know her all my life. She was so kind and pretty and her hair was so gorgeous and curly. I loved her name most of all. She seemed like a smart bookworm to me.

Bella is such a nice, sweet person. I felt like Iv know her forever, but it's only been 5 minutes. I think I'v just made a new friend.

My best friend's brother (Joey Birlem)Where stories live. Discover now