Chapter 17: Bullies strike again

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I decided to go to school today. But it was like the worst day ever. I got bad looks from all the people on the bus, but Joey gave them looks to say back off. No one really spoke to me. And I lost my concentration in class and started getting bad grades. Worst of all, I finished my favourite book today. I was really enjoying that. Why can't a great book last forever?

Since the morning was pretty bad it was about to get a whole lot worse...

I was carrying my lunch tray with two slices on pizza, grapes and a can of lemonade, when I bumped into some unwelcoming people.

"Hey loser" a girl said and I looked up to a terrifying shock. The girls who bullied me the other day were standing there right in front of me. I dropped my tray and it smashed on the floor causing the lemonade and slices of pizza to toss back up and hit the girls in the face. Everyone including me laughed at this satisfying moment. Until "HOW DARE YOU!!!" The red hair girl screamed. At that moment I ran in fear. My heart was pounding as everyone was watching me, some were laughing and the bullies were chasing me.

"COME BACK HERE BLONDIE!!!" The girls all screamed. "Where's the teachers when you need them??" I said to myself. I ran through the back doors towards the field, non of the girls was in sight. I breathed a sigh of relief and clasped on the grass.  

I closed my eyes as the hot sun poured over me. Until I felt a shadow cover it up. "We've found her" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and sat right up. The girls were all circled round me. I felt them lean down and pull me up, they were strong. "Think you could do that, hey?!" One of the minions said. She had tanned skin and black hair in a high ponytail. "I didn't mean it honestly" I trembled nervously.

"That doesn't matter blondie" she said. "Look at me I'm a mess!!!" She said angrily. Instead I looked down at the ground. "LOOK AT ME!!!" She screamed again while shaking me. I looked into her angry eyes while mine were filled with tears. Before I knew it she slapped me hard around the face. I couldn't help it, so I screamed out "JOEY HELP ME PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME OR SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!"

But it wasn't Joey who came to my rescue this time, it was Bella...

"DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER AGAIN!" Bella screamed while running towards us. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" "Oh look, miss popular is here to save the day just because her brother is a stupid star!" The red hair girl said. "I always knew you were jealous Abby, but no need to take it out on my best friend just because your life is too sad".

"Your the sad one for being best friends with a girl who is two years younger then you" Abby said. With that she yanked my hair down to the side. "Iv had enough!!!" Bella screamed and pushed the girls to the floor. Then she grabbed my hand and we both ran for our life's.

My best friend's brother (Joey Birlem)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora