Chapter 20: A final goodbye

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"Your moving to North Carolina??" I said as a single tear rolled down my cheek. "Joey you can't move away from me, please don't, please". My tears were becoming harder. "Heidi I have no choice" he was also beginning to cry.

"How am I going to live without my boyfriend and my best friend Bella, what about Bella?". "She's staying here with her friends until she gets her own flat". So you still have her". "But I won't have you" I sulked. "We will still be able to face time and text and I can come and visit sometimes and even you can". I cheered up at this. "When are you leaving" I asked. "In two weeks" he replied.

*2 weeks later*

Me, Joey, Bella and his mom were at the airport. We've been waiting there all day. Even about 12 fangirls came up to Joey for pictures. One girl asked for a kiss on the lips but Joey replied "I'm with her sorry" pointing at me. The girl scowled at me and walked off. One of the other fangirls pretended I wasn't even there, well most of them did anyway. I got use to it and realised it's all down to jealously.

Which seemed like forever, the screen finally said their plane time. Me and Bella went with them to the door but Joey pulled me to one side while Jen and Bella were talking. "I guess this is a final goodbye" I said. Joey pulled me into a big huge while he sobbed. "I'm gonna miss you SO much Heidi" he said. "I'll never forget the time we've spent together" Joey said. We said our last goodbye then he boarded the plane with his mom.

I watched their plane through the airport window and I started having flash backs of the time we met, then our first kiss, then our argument and so on. He was a special boy Joey. Then as the plane started down the road, I heard Bella's voice say "come on Heidi it's time to go". That's when I knew as the plane flew into the sky, all was well.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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