Grapes and tuna Chapter 5

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I Collect the air Malak breathes in

Don't worry.
This is all perfectly normal.
Well for me it is. 😂

I just don't know what to do next. I've collected samples of his fingerprints and I've swapped Malak's shaving Cream with strawberry cream.

But what should I do next?

Maybe I'll sneak into his house and hide inside his bed. Then when he least expects it, I'll pop out from under the covers and lock him in his wardrobe.

That could work right? I'll feed him grapes and tuna. I'll be like goldilocks. Except from the getting eaten by bears part. 😂

Actually no. I'll get caught easily. And Malak will probably be a corpse by the time I've gotten him out the wardrobe.

*I wander what a Dead Malak Smells like*

(AHHHH SORRY!! I HADD TOO! Just remember I'm a real person. AND I DONT THINK ABOUT THESE STUFF! 😂😭😂🌚)

"Excuse me hunny" an old lady says as she approaches me.

Her bony fragile hand reaches out to touch my face.

I'm at the park. Enjoying a nice piece of my fresh cheese sandwich. And this woman wants to disturb me. Is she alright? Does she want me to pour a bucket of fish over her head?

" Yes" I reply, covering my annoyed face with a faint smile.

"I can't help noticing that it seems that you are stalking that boy over there" she says, pointing to Malak.

Yes! I'm investigating! Again! What! A girl has her habits!

"I'm not stalking" I say, stuffing my binoculars in my bag. "I'm investigating"

" I remember being your age. I started following this boy called Tre Brooks." She continued, sitting her skinny butt besides me. " I planted a camera under his bed and installed a tracking device inside his ear."

Ok. This is the most weirdest conversation I've had with a women over seventy. How the hell do you install a tracking device into someone's ear without them noticing? And when did I agree to hear her 'story' of when she was my age?

"Umm" I interrupt, slowly shuffling myself in the opposite direction. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have to go"

Her pale eyes shot me an angry look as she got up from her seat and left.

I moved myself into another area in the park. I got my binoculars out and studied Malak from afar while once again enjoying the other half of my cheese sandwich.

Did you know, Malak carries two phones in his left pocket and his right eye is bigger than the other?

I quietly laugh as I enjoying Malak breaking up with his girlfriend.

It's the giraffe. The same giraffe that was at the cinema yesterday.
She's wearing the same clothes. Never Mind the same wig. Except today she looks like a tomato. Her face is turning the same colour as one as she hears the fatal five words.
"I'm breaking up with you"

She's the 14th girlfriend Malak's seen this week alone. I might follow him home just to make sure.

The giraffe storms off leaving Malak on the park bench with a sly grin.

He suddenly looks at his phone and makes his way back home.

"Malak has an interesting head, usually I see the back of it but today it kinda looks like an egg" I think to myself as I follow him home.

I've calculated that Malak's house is fifty nine streets, two apartments and eight doors away from me. That's precisely 2 hours and 47 minutes away.

I'm a genius when it comes to these things.

I could easily take a 3 hour walk to his house.
I mean who can't?

My mouth falls as I approach the door to Malak's house.

Should I go in?


Ahhhhhh Omggg thank you to the people who commented on the last chapter. Nearly 200 comments in 3 days.

Hope your guys didn't find this chapter too weird😂❤️
Out of 10 what would your rate the weirdness. 😊💀👇

What would you do if your "boyfriend" broke up with you?

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