👹️Are girls stalkers?👹 Chapter 25

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Still malak's POV

When you've just been accused of being pregnant - you feel like you want to lay down in your bed and kill yourself. Especially if your a grown ass boy that has no intention of sounding like the class idiot.

But my life's not easy. As soon as I've stepped foot inside my bedroom, my room is crawling with girls. They're just invisible. Don't believe me? Step inside my room for a minute and you can feel the presence of 18 girls hiding behind my door, 5 girls stashed behind the curtain, a couple more under the mattress, if you look up you'll see 3 more girls hanging from the lampshade and at least 72 girls squashed into my wardrobe.

My wardrobe is a revolution of girls. What's with girls and wardrobes? Do you guys like clothes? Do you like the smell? The fact that your surrounded by stuff you can't afford? Do you guys like cleaning? If you feel like you want to annoy me, have at least the decency to wash my clothes while your in there.

As soon as I entered my room, I headed to my wardrobe.

The smell of perfume and body lotion hit me as soon as I'd opened the door.

It's not like I'm physic but I could already hear giggling coming from this direction.

"Malak.." The girl said, giving me a nervous grin as she nudged her friend.

"You wanna date?"

"Nope" I said, shutting the door in their face. I'm not rude, I'm just honest. They'll probably come back and climb through my window next week.

Are all girls like this? Do you feel the need to dm every "hot" boy you see? Do you feel the need to comment hearts under ALL his posts? Do you feel the need to put a stamp over Someone who doesn't even know you?

Hmm? Well then.

It's not even that serious compared to what I'm dealing with. There's this one girl that follows me around school like a lost dog. She faints and drools every time I breathe. I've found her in my room multiple times and she doesn't understand the meaning of "get out"

In school she seems to be in every class I'm in. She's always At the back. I feel like she's staring right through me. It's like she's breathing on my neck. Counting the amount of coughs I make and watching the number of times I sneeze.

Is it normal to feel like she's following me? Even at the cinema it seems like she knows what I'm doing. She knows the exact time I leave my house to the exact time it takes me to get to my seat. Lord oh Jesus I swear I caught her collecting my toenails once.

And another time I caught her watching me with binoculars. She thinks I don't know. She thinks I haven't noticed. Noticed the thousands of pictures of me she carries in her bag. Noticed that her and that girl with a long neck know my address and my birth certificate off by heart.

It's funny how I once caught them in the boys changing room, challenging themselves on who knows me best, while they ruffled through my gym clothes.

It's weird the lengths a girl goes to show someone that they like a boy. They boast about how they're getting married, having children and growing old together. But when their crush is right in front of them they have no words.

Like speak. You won't get a boyfriend by day dreaming. You crush doesn't know.

But in this case.. I do.

30 votes and 60 comments = new chapter👀

(Chapter 26 has been written)

AHAHAHHAHA I'm sorry. Try living on an iPhone 4 with 5 minutes of Internet a day for 3 months.. Like Wtffff

But I'm back..
Not on a crappy iPhone 4
But still on flippin 5 minutes of Internet 💀💀💀

And I'm gonna end this book in a couple more chapters and I'm gonna start making new books based on different people.

Any suggestions?
Any famous people?
Ig famous people?


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