🌹Mentally married to malak🌹Chapter 21

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I'm not thirsty. I promise. I'm very much hydrated. I just like to overlook the lives of unsuspected boys without them knowing.

It's normal if you think about it. Breaking into other people's houses is just a habit. I'll stop once I'm dead.

Or I might not. Once I'm a ghost I'll probably sleep next to Malak's rotting corpse. Or I might stalk his future son. Hopefully he'll look the exact spitting image of his dad because lord knows I'll   stalk him quicker than Donald trump became president.

But that's the thing. I'd rather be a 90 year old woman stalking Malak Watson's son than stalking Malak Watson himself. He's kind of weird. I don't even know how I've only just noticed this, but the boy bites his own toe nails off and uses it to scrape the bogeys out of his nose.

I know right. THAT IS SO SEXYYY😂

I noticed this when I was casually overlooking his life in Burger King using my handy binoculars. I could never leave my house without my binoculars. We've had so many memories. It's been with me since the time I found Malak watching spider porn in class and since the time I caught Malak videoing some girls bum in gym.

But on the other hand there is Tre. Tre Brooks must be the sexiest 6 year old kid in history. He has these pink and blue braces that bring out his dimples. Like who could be sexier than TRE brooks?

" Do you want some tuna?" Malak says, shoving a sandwich into my chest.

" Malak... Just no" I decline, shifting myself into another spot where I could get a better view of Tre. 

" But I bought you food?" He continues.

" Boii I know but that isn't changing the fact that tuna is disgusting as hell"

" you weren't saying that last night when you were using tuna to brush your teeth.." He scoffs.

Is it me or has Malak gone more annoying? Yesterday I was dreaming of building a house of tuna for him and today I want to strangle him with a napkin... Which is more weirder?

I think all the stress that built up led me to get a bowl of pasta and pour it down Malak's shirt. What? It was an accident ! He turned around for a split second and I just grabbed the nearest thing and chucked it down his back. So what if it was cold pasta? It probably felt nice anyway...

" what are you doing?" Malak shouts at me, causing giraffe to strut herself in our direction.

" c'mon Malak. She's weird lets go" giraffe says, dragging Malak away from me.

What the hell does this girl think she's doing? Taking my husband away from me. We are mentally married so where is this boy going? It's normal to have arguments. And most of the time the wife ends up pouring pasta down the husbands back.

Watch me cook her nonexistent eyebrows with mayonnaise and Pepsi.

That's what anyone would do...

You know what? I don't need Malak. I don't need none of them. I'll marry my pet cat and I'll inherit mystical powers from a magical uNiCoRn and become Catwoman.

Then Malak will want me. Just watch and see. Watch and see.....


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It's different from the other books I've made but since a lot of people have been saying they enjoy it I must be doing something right😂😂😂 Already reached 15k whoop whoop🙃😂

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