👥 Seducing malak's cat👥 Chapter 19

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Waits for ghost readers to start commenting.... *cough*cough*
Anywhoooo enjoy the story 🙃😊
I hate it when the person I thought I could trust leaves me. I hate it when the person I rely on walks out on me.

Especially at a time like this. When your friend convinces you to go to a boys house and just leaves you at the front door,  you just know something is  going down. You don't do that. Especially when the boy is known for being left in a room with girls ALOT.

When I see her again. I'm going to rip her little blonde locks out of her hair. Watch me tie her to the end of a bed and make her choke on tuna.

" My room is up there" Malak says, hopping up the stairs like some kind of enchanted bunny.

"Yeah I'm coming" I laugh nervously.

"Psstt" I hear giraffe say, as she casually reenters the house. " Go upstairs while I do some investigating. Maybe I might borrow Malak's shorts for a bit"

" But" I say, before being interrupted.

" I wasn't asking! Now get your little annoying butt upstairs and seduce him. And if he asks... I've gone home okay?"

I nod my head as I imagine giraffe stuffing Malak's clothes Into her bag and "borrowing" his toothbrush.

Seduce him? Does this girl not understand that I can't even seduce a cat? Seducing is not my thing. Unlike giraffe, I can't even seduce a bird, never mind a grown ass boy.

Talking about this grown ass boy. "Welcome to my room" Malak says, revealing the Pokemon posters on his walls and his Bart Simpson pyjamas.

I don't remember his room being like this.  Maybe it's because I've only seen his room at night, when Malak's fast asleep, snoring.

Did you know my ringtone is Malak breathing?

"Careful" Malak says, but unfortunately for me, I wasn't quick enough to lift my foot from the random tuna sandwich found on the floor. 

"Yeah, I should warn you" Malak says, scratching the back of his neck, "there's a lot of tuna around my room"

When Malak marries me I'm going to make a room filled with tuna. Even the floor will be covered in tuna dust. Tuna smelllsss sooo nice. I'll make it our bedroom so when we're sleeping, the smell of tuna will be surrounding us. That's like EVERYONES favourite honeymoon.

I'll even make tuna beds for our children - Hairyette and Gilperd Watson will be so happy. I'm going to make my children so cool, they'll have friends over here EVERYDAY.

I can just imagine it now. My nine year old Hairyette showing her best friend  how to use tuna as toothpaste and my 6 year old Gilperd showing his friend how to shave his beard with tuna. They'll be soo popular even Beyoncè will want an autograph.

"Are you all right?" Malak says, snapping me out of my daydream.

" Yeah! I was just admiring how .... Sexy your floor is" I blurt out.


"Yeah! And the grass in your garden is soo sexy and let me not start on that lamppost. Did you know you can have fleas in your eyebrows and tuna gets rid of acne if you apply it to your forehead ?" I choke.


" ummm.. Ohhhkayy" Malak says confused, before being interrupted by a noise downstairs. "I'll be one sec"

It's probably giraffe. She probably killed Malak's goldfish or something. From the sound of the crashing, it looks like she killed several.

I wonder how many girls have been inside his room. Like this is the first time I've entered his room without :

1) secretly sneaking into his house at five in the morning.

2) without convincing Malak's mum I've accidentally kicked my ball into Malak's window (for the billionth time)

3) and without climbing through his window to get away from  that insane old lady that keeps stalking me. Remember her?

I absolutely hate stalkers. Like what gives you the right to stalk someone. What gives you the right to spy at them through binoculars, steal their clothes, hide in their wardrobe, store their toe nail clippings and take their phone. What kind of dumb person would do that?
Not me. I'm normal. And plus I don't steal I borrow ( without asking or the person knowing.) *cough*cough*

"What are you doing here?" I hear Malak shout from downstairs.

This girl got caught. I knew it . He's gonna kick me out next and I will lose any chance of Malak being my husband.

"My octopus flew into your window" giraffe replies.

I didn't know an octopus could fly💀



How is this book so far out of 10?

Do you want me to add anything in, any plots?

Does anyone have a fanpage for Malak or any other people?

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