The Reunion

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Hanna POV
Ms. and Mr.Hastings walk out of her room and come over to us and says "Spencer wants to see you all," then the doctor says only one at a time can come into her room. Asshole. Seriously why can we all see her. No surprisingly Aria begs please can I see her first and like that wasn't expected I'm mean sparia.

Spencer's POV
My door opens and I expect to see the whole squad and maybe Toby but probably not, all I see is Aria. I'm still the happiest person in the world at this second. I she hugs me so tight it hurts. I mumble "Your hugging me too tight" and she lets go right away and says "I'm sorry" it was dead silence after that and was really awkward after that it's like she didn't know what to say.And basically that same thing happened with Hanna, Emily, Alison and Caleb. But when Ezra walked in he gave me a short hug and says "Damn you have no idea how hall I am my smartest student is alive." I laugh. He's the only one who hasn't acted like I was a snow globe and if they said the wrong this I would shatter. "I not going to ask you if your okay because no one is okay after being shot" which it true I feel like shit. I nod my head agreeing to what he said. "Toby is out there if you want to see him. He's really worried about you." I froze, not knowing what to say. He left me, broke my heart. Again. 'Worried about me' I highly doubt it. But I want to see him but then didn't. Would Yvonne walk in also like one big family. "Is Yvonne here," I ask already thinking I know the answer. "No" he says "she is in Maine unpacking the boxes into their new house." I'm happy about that and I know I shouldn't be. I was hoping that last night when he said he built the house for me that he had broke up with Yvonne and want to be with me and we would live happily ever after like a fairy tale but, as I know hope breads eternal misery. I look up and see Ezra impatiently waiting for me to say yes or no. And I honestly don't know what to say.

Ezra's POV
I've been shot before so I know what it feels like. Recently Spencer's been through so much and I can't imagine how she feels right now. I'm waiting for her to answer my question and I know it must be hard. I just tell her " I'll give you some time," and leave her room. When I get back Toby is the only person who hasn't talked to Spencer. I see him standing there like a child on Christmas waiting to open their present. I honestly don't know when to say so I just shake my head. I've only seen Toby look this hurt a couple times but what was he expecting, Spencer to run into his arms. No. She's trying to move on and be happy and Toby being there is not going to help.

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