A bond that can't be broke

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Spencer's POV
I walk into the hospital. The smell and the people there are all to familiar. Toby has to walk really slow because I'm on crutches. They offered me a wheel chair but I said no.
"Spence are you okay?" He says
I can't really say anything so I just nod.
"Spencer look at me." He says and I do what he says "I love you." "I love you too." I say and give him a short kiss.
"Now let's go." I command. I open the door and see my mom laying there. Pale and dead looking. Tears start rapidly falling from my eyes. I leave my crutches by the door and I wobble towards her. I squat down next to her bed and hold her hand. I lean in and kiss her forehead. If she died I don't know what I would do. I would have no mom to help me pick my wedding dress. No mom to help me with my children. No mom to witness my 30th birthday or any birthday. We had our differences but my mom loved me and wanted me to succeed no matter what.
*Spencer Hasting at 4 years old*
"I can't do it." Little Spencer says.
"Yes you can Spencer don't ever say that." Veronica says.
"I'm scared tho."
"Then that means you are going somewhere."
She pushes little Spencer on the bike.
"No no don't let go I'm not ready."
Without little Spencer knowing she lets go.
"Yay your doing it!!" Veronica says.
Little Spencer looks back at her mom and then falls over and scraps her knee. Veronica runs over to her crying toddler.
"It's ok Spencer."
"I'm I going to die?" She asks
"No of course not. I'm here and I always will be."
"But what if you die and I'm still here?" Little Spencer asks.
"Well then you will be all grown up and you won't need me."

"But I still need you so please don't leave me." I whisper I start to walk away to get my crutches when I hear...
"I will never leave you, well your heart at least." 
I turn around and see my mom sitting up awake.
"Your alive mommy." I run and hug her crying. "Hi sweet heart."
"Hi mommy."
"I love you my beautiful daughter."
"I love you too Momma"
"Do you want or need anything." I ask.
"I should say I don't want anything but right now I would kill for a cookie." She says.
"I will go and get it I will be right back." I give her a quick hug and grab my crutches.
"Your on crutches? What happened?" She asks.
"Oh it was just an accident. I fell." I walk out off her room and go to the cafeteria. All of the sudden I see a nurse run into the cafeteria grabbing one of the surgeons and she said
"It's Ms. Hastings she flatlined, hurry." They both get out of their seat and run. I freeze. Everything my mom ever said to me that impacted me flashed through my mind. I finally proses what happened and I drop the cookie and the crutches on the ground and run to my moms room. Every step burning like fire. I arrive at my moms room and see so many doctors tending to her and I hear the monitor beeping over and over again. I scream and try to run into the room but Toby holds me back by my hands and I can't escape his grasp because he's so strong. I keep yelling at him to let me go. Kicking him. Doing whatever I can to go and see my mom. I need to say goodbye. The doctors pull out then paddles and shock her over and over again. But nothing. No pulse. No nothing. I don't believe this. This has to be a dream. This can't be happening. Hastings are stronger than this. We fight, but we can only fight for so long. But I realize this is real when the surgeon says "Time of death 11:57"

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