Help me

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Spencer's POV
I can move. I can't speak.
I feel Ian tie me up while I try to move and do anything but I can't. Now I realize. What Charlotte did to Mona and Jason and
Mr.Dilarentis. Then I realize this is what someone did to Ian to make us think he was dead. But he wasn't. Luckily what Ian doesn't know about me is that I've dealt with drugs before so this will where off quickly.
"Because of you we are leaving and your friends and Amy Drake will never find you." Ian says.
It takes awhile but it slip the rope off my wrists and drag myself back to my the room with the burner phones. I grab one and text Amy.
"You need to find me now he is about to take me someplace else please HELP ME." I say.
I lock the door and put so many pieces of furniture in front of the door I grab another burner phone and think seriously how many burner phones do Ian and Wren have. I got to send my location to Amy's burner phone but I need her burner phone right next to me. So I grab another an hope my friends are smart enough to look at it. I hook my phones location into the other. I go to type in the password so they can find out where I am but Ian and Wren grab me and take the burner phones out of my hand and Ian is pushing me against the wall choking me while Wren ties my hands together. They drag me out of room, leaving a really big train of blood right before they put me into the trunk of a car I wrote "help me-Spencer H" in blood because I knew what I just did I would get a hell of a lot of torture and it wouldn't be pretty.

Toby's POV
We and end up at a mansion looking place and Amy says it's the right place. Tanner and ten other police officers are behind me and we spread out. I walk down a hallway and see a long trail of fresh blood. I call the others down her and then there are stairs. But I look down and see a "help me- Spencer H" in Spencer's perfect hand writing in blood I run down the stairs. There is a garage. The garage door is open and I look out into the distance and see a car driving away really fast. I run to my car but can't find the keys. I go into another police officers car and the keys are gone.
"What happened?" Tanner asks.
"A.D. took our keys so we can't follow him and get Spencer. She's still gone." I don't know why but I break down in a sob on the ground. In the background I hear Tanner ask for back up. I look up and still see the faint lights of the car. I don't know what made me do it but I get up and start running towards the car as fast as I can. My feet pounding the ground. My heart racing. I catch up to the car. The car stops. I point the gun at the window and yell
Two people get out of the car. I realize I messed up badly when I notice it's a young couple and they live in the area. I look back and see Tanner yelling at me to come back. I ran the wrong way. A.D. was driving the other way and I fell for it.

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