Where is she

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Toby's POV
We all jump into our car and follow the police cars. I made Emily drive because my hands where shaking. I'm about to see Spencer. What do I do. What do I say. I love her. But in the past week Yvonne has forgave me and we are back together but I'm not sure I want to be.

"We are here." Emily says breaking my train of thought

I get out of the car and just stare at this place. It's a farm.

"Hey Hanna isn't this the place we went to and we saw the weapon AD used on you." Aria said

"Yes, yes it is." Hanna says

"Ok everyone look out and try to find Spencer." Tanner commands

I run into a room and see nothing and hear nothing. But then I hear Spencer scream and I sprint to the room. I don't see Spencer I multiple TVs that look like a security system. I see so many rooms on the TVs but then I see a person on a table. Covered in blood. Someone carving something into that persons skin. Then I realized the worst possible thing. That's Spencer. I was about to tell Tanner but then words flash up on the screen
You really thought finding her would be easy. Think again. She's not here.-A.D.

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