Church Bells

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I put so much heart in this chapter and it took me a week to perfect it so I hope you love it!

Toby's POV
*6 months later*
"I will kill the spiders. I will share my fries with you. I will eat the mushrooms off the pizza. I will kiss the paper cuts and the door-slammed finger. I will try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during a movie. I will let you win at wrestling and the occasional scrabble. I will send you random text and silly gifts. I will hold your hand. I am blessed to be loved by you. I love you. I will love you, today, tomorrow, and forever."

I say the last words to my girlfriend because she is soon to be my wife.

I see the biggest smile on her face and a tear run down her face. Her gorgeous dress flowing onto the floor. Many people say vows are hard to write but when you love someone that much it's not that hard. The only reason it's hard is because you have to express all that love in such a small paragraph. I don't even hear the words of the pasture I'm so focused on Spencer until I hear her say "I Do" and the final words from the preacher. I lean in to kiss her when to church doors fly open and I hear a loud pop, almost like a ballon popping.

A thousand times we die in one life. Those are the moments we fall to the ground completely helpless. Broken and are teared apart. Until the layers of illusion are burned away and all that is left is the truth of what we are and who we are.

I look around and no one is in the chapel. Chairs are tipped over, plates scattered. The only person I see is Spencer while I'm lying on the ground. But the thing is she not trying to help me, she is the one shot. But at this moment I am useless speechless, unable to move. I wasn't shot but when someone you love is hurt it feels like you are. I brake out of my haze and run to her. I scream but all I hear is white noise. The white dress now red. And I'm standing there utterly helpless screaming for help.
I haven't updated in forever i'm so sorry. So there are about three more chapters of this book and i'm so excited, i have and idea for a new book!! Also thank you for 11k
Xoxo Author♥️

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