The Awakened

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Spencer's POV
I wake up with the same familiar pain I was in before I got kidnapped. I'm no longer in my wedding dress and next to the love of my life. My hands shake and pain surrounds every inch of my body.
My door opens and I see the bright smile of Toby Cavanaugh.
"Oh my god I thought I lost you" he says hugging me tightly while a few tears fall from his eyes.
"I did too"
"But I promise you I will never ever let anything like that happen to you ever again."
"I love you so much Toby"
"I love you too Spence, I'm going to go get you some food and then I will be back."
"ok" I say as he kisses my forehead.
I watch him leave the room while feeling like the luckiest girl alive to have found someone through all this drama to stay with me.

I heard my door open and I expect to see Toby but I see Emily.
"Oh my god are you ok?"
"I'm in pain but I'll live" I say laughing.
"Awe that's sucks."
"The pains not that bad tho."
"That's not why I'm mad."
"Wait what." I say overwhelmed by confusion

She doesn't respond, she just walks over to the couch and grabs a pillow. I don't understand what's happening.
"I'm mad you lived."
"Wh-what w-why" I stutter.
"Because then I wouldn't have to do this......" she says while grabbing the pillow and holding it over my mouth and nose to the point were I can't breathe. I kick my feet and try to scream but there are no words and no noise.
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to Heaven don't want to die. But it's a fate we all share. No one has ever skipped it. And no one has even not experienced a death of someone they love in their lives. But they never think that it will ever be them who dies. And that's what happened to me. If I could go back in time there are so many more things I would've done and said to people. I hope at my funeral that people don't say that they will miss me and that they love me they should've said that when I was alive.

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