It's him

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Spencer's POV

"Wren?!?!?!" I almost scream

"How the hell did you get out?" He says

"You didn't make it that hard."

"You little bitch!!"

"Wow you didn't like my sarcasm" I'm so confused why he hates me.

He pulls out the same shot that A.D. used on me while push me against the wall choking me.

"You??" I only mange to mumble.

"WREN STOP" Amy says.

"What did you just say? YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY MY NAME OR EVEN KNOW IT!!" He screams

"Wren stop, you can't yell at a 4-year-old!!"

"And you can't tell me what to do." He says acting like a child actually, no not a child just a really immature idiot because even children aren't that immature.

At that point I lose my patience and punch him as hard as I can. He falls to the ground and moans in pain. I grab Amy and run as fast as I can which isn't that fast because I haven't eaten    In two days and I'm still about 40% drugged from A.D. or Wren or what ever I'm supposed to call him and it's still hard to breath because my gun shot wound.

I see this room at the end of the hall and I sprint in it and hide behind a bookshelf with Amy. It's not the best hiding place but it's all that I have.

We have been sitting here for about 5 minutes when Wren stumbles in.

"I know your in here. Just come out so I don't have to do this the hard way!" Wren threatens.

I feel Amy shaking in my arms as we hear him walk off.

"Is he gone yet?" Amy says a little louder and sooner than she should've. I quickly put my hand over her mouth to quite her. But it's to late. Wren heard her.

"You really though you where smart enough to out wit me??"

He pulled out the book shelve to expose us.

"Run" I say to Amy and she takes off.

"What do you want" I ask.

"You to die" he says bluntly.

I knew what was about to happen so I took off running but my poor running skills made it able for him to catch up to me. I feel him put some cloth over my mouth. Probably chloroform or some other drug and I try to kick him push him off whatever I possibly can do but it's no use he has me in a choke lock and I can't move. I fall to the ground. I can't see much but I can feel. I feel him hook me to chains. I try to move but nothing's happening and I'm stuck and I can't get out.

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