Spencer the Bitch Hastings

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Spencer's POV
My heart starts hurting really bad every time I breathe. Wren barges in.
"Your coming with me." He says
"Why?" I say while stumbling.
We walk into a room with a steel table and with rope to tie your hands down.
"What are you doing to me?" I say
"I'm trying to save your life so shut up and sit down!!" He screams.
I do what he says. He pulls out a scalpel.
"Listen to me when you got shot a bunch of remnants of the bullet were left in your heart and if I don't get it out your heart is going to rupture and you are going to die, so shut up and let me do my job." Wren says.
"Ok....wait without putting me to sleep or a drug to numb me so it doesn't hurt." I am starting to regret this.
"Yep. This is going to hurt really bad."
"Wait can you at least...AHHHH." I didn't get to finish my sentence. Not long after that I passed out.
I wake up dazed, but alive. I'm still tied to the chair which I'm not surprised. But I see Wren in Ian in another room with a bunch of computers.
"Ok this is the password it has 23 characters." Ian says.
"Ok and if we enter the password all the doors unlock and we can get out of this place whenever we want right?" Wren asks
"Yes but you have to make sure Spencer is drugged and tied up."
"Ok" wren says.
I end up falling back asleep.
I wake up, I don't know how long later but I see Ian and Wren standing right in front of me.
"Well looks like Spencer the Bitch Hastings is awake."  Ian says
"Good morning to you too." I say.
"We will be back and if I find out your gone you are dead." Ian says all up in his face. But what he doesn't know is when he was all up in my grill I took the key out of his pocket. I honestly don't know how he didn't feel that.
Once they walk away I unlock myself.
And now it's time to find Amy and get out of here.

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