Run Amy Run

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Spencer's POV
I grab Amy and we go to that secret computer room I don't even know what to call it. I sit down and It says enter password.
"What are we doing here?" Amy asks
"We are getting out of here."

I try so many different passwords I can think of but none of them work. It says two more tries. I think I know for sure what the password is and I enter it in. Wrong. I have one my try before the alarms go off. I don't know why but 'Spencer the Bitch Hastings' comes into my mind and it's 23 characters long. But if this is wrong it could be deadly. I enter it in. It says loading. My hands are shaking so bad til it says correct password. Relief fills my body. I hear all the doors unlock and we run to the exit. But I hear the worst, Ian running behind us. I run into a room and lock it with Amy inside also. I gab a piece of paper and write down "Ask a taxi cab driver to tell you where you are and then ask him to take you to the Rosewood police station. Find Toby Cavanaugh. Tell him you where kidnapped with Spencer Hastings. Come back and find me. Xoxo Spencer.

"Show these directions anyone on the street and they will show you what to do." I say.

I had no idea if this little girl could do this, probably not but I had hope, a little. I open all the drawers and find hundreds of dollars. I give one to her just in case she need it. I also find a drawer filled with burner phones. I hook one up to another so we can find another's location at all times.

"Will you be ok?" She asks.
"Yes but only if you do what I told you."
"Why can't you go?"
"Because if I leave you die, but if you leave we will both be alright."

I kiss her on the forehead. She walks out and I make sure we aren't in a forest or something weird. I make sure she's completely gone and then I open the door. There is Ian.

"What have you done." He says.

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